Incubusmiddle example sentences

Related (6): nightmare, demon, seduction, oppression, supernatural, possession

"Incubusmiddle" Example Sentences

1. The students were discussing about incubus and its middle name.
2. The incubus's middle name was a mystery to all.
3. Incubusmiddle was written in bold font in the document.
4. The band Incubusmiddle was playing at the concert.
5. The myth about the incubus's middle name intrigued the researchers.
6. The painting depicted an incubus with the middle name of Middlemore.
7. The novel described a frightening encounter with an incubus named Incubusmiddle.
8. The song "Incubusmiddle's Lullaby" was playing in the background.
9. The movie portrayed Incubusmiddle as a seductive demon.
10. The website provided information about incubi and their middle names, including Incubusmiddle.
11. The literature review included studies on the impact of incubusmiddle on human psychology.
12. The occultist claimed to have summoned an incubus named Incubusmiddle.
13. The paranormal investigator found evidence of an incubus with the middle name of Blackwood.
14. The horror novel featured an incubus that went by the name of Incubusmiddle.
15. The Gothic artwork depicted an incubus with the middle name of Ravenwood.
16. The documentary explored the origins of Incubusmiddle and its significance in mythological lore.
17. The podcast episode discussed the different beliefs about incubi and their middle names, including Incubusmiddle.
18. The video game allowed players to fight against a powerful incubus named Incubusmiddle.
19. The comic book character had the ability to communicate with incubi, including the elusive Incubusmiddle.
20. The tarot card showed an incubus with the middle name of Nightshade.
21. The conversation drifted towards the topic of the incubus and its middle name.
22. The journal article analyzed the different versions of the incubus myth, including those that mentioned Incubusmiddle.
23. The horror movie featured a terrifying encounter with an incubus known as Incubusmiddle.
24. The fictional character struggled with the knowledge of their middle name being Incubusmiddle.
25. The folklore book featured tales of the incubus and its various middle names, such as Incubusmiddle.
26. The museum exhibit showcased different artworks and sculptures of incubi, including one with the middle name of Incubusmiddle.
27. The theater play depicted the tragic romance between a woman and an incubus named Incubusmiddle.
28. The article explained the difference between an incubus and a succubus, and their respective middle names like Incubusmiddle.
29. The horror story described a violent encounter with an incubus that went by the name of Incubusmiddle.
30. The dream journal entry featured an eerie dream about an incubus with the middle name of Blackwell.

Common Phases

1. My worst nightmare came true; it was like having an incubusmiddle on my chest.
2. She felt a strong pressure on her body; it was like an incubusmiddle was holding her down.
3. His sleep paralysis was getting worse; the incubusmiddle was getting stronger every night.
4. The old legends spoke of a demon that haunted people in their sleep; they called it the incubusmiddle.
5. I couldn't move or speak; the incubusmiddle was suffocating me with its weight.

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