Inexplicit example sentences
Related (10): unclear, ambiguous, vague, imprecise, indefinite, opaque, uncertain, abstruse, enigmatic, equivocal
"Inexplicit" Example Sentences
1. Her response was vague and inexplicit, not providing any clear answer.
2. The professor was frustrated by the student's inexplicit writing that lacked details and specificity.
3. The police had trouble understanding the witness's rather inexplicit and muddled description of the suspect.
4. Her hints were far too inexplicit for him to pick up on her interest.
5. The review contained little constructive criticism and was rather inexplicit in its praise.
6. The email was so inexplicit that it left the recipient very confused and uncertain of the intended message.
7. The director asked the actor to make his gestures and movements more explicit rather than the inexplicit actions in the previous take.
8. The writer's style tended towards the vague and inexplicit rather than grounded in concrete details.
9. The poet aspired to write inexplicit verses that allowed for multiple interpretations from readers.
10. The politician provided an inexplicit non-answer that revealed little of his true position on the issue.
11. Her reply was worded in such an inexplicit manner that it only generated further questions.
12. He tried to make his feelings more explicit rather than cling to his inexplicit and ambiguous phrasing.
13. The contract terms were so inexplicit that they left room for confusion and dispute down the line.
14. The caller provided an inexplicit reason for declining the invitation without much clarification.
15. The plot of the short story relied heavily on inexplicit details and a nonlinear narrative structure.
16. The director urged the screenwriter to be more specific and less inexplicit in describing the characters and setting.
17. The memoir suffered from an inexplicit style that left the reader guessing the author's intentions and emotions.
18. The guidelines were so inexplicit that it was difficult for employees to follow them properly.
19. He could tell from her inexplicit body language that something was bothering her.
20. The magazine article relied too heavily on inexplicit facts and unnamed sources for its unconvincing argument.
21. The instructions were too vague and inexplicit to enable the student to complete the assignment correctly.
22. The magazine editor asked the writer to make their metaphors and similes more explicit rather than leaving them inexplicit.
23. The literature teacher encouraged her students to move from inexplicit references toward more explicit analysis of the symbolism.
24. The textbook explanation was too inexplicit for the students to grasp the underlying concepts.
25. She preferred the inexplicit phrasing and allusions to more overtly explicit references.
26. His request was made in such an inexplicit manner that she wasn't entirely sure what he wanted.
27. The conclusion drew upon inexplicit evidence that failed to support its claims.
28. The report lacked sufficient detail and relied too much on inexplicit references.
29. The film's use of visual metaphors lent an aura of mystery to its otherwise inexplicit plot.
30. The step-by-step instructions were too inexplicit to be properly followed.
31. The professor asked the students to avoid inexplicit generalities in their essays and provide specific examples.
32. The lack of specific details made the author's argument seem unconvincing and based on inexplicit premises.
33. Her meaning became clear only through inference rather than any inexplicit statement.
34. The proposal's vagueness and inexplicit recommendations led the committee to reject it.
35. The article argued that vague, inexplicit language often leads to misunderstandings and miscommunication.
36. The lesson asked students to summarize, give examples, and clarify inexplicit passages in the assigned reading.
37. The book's dull, inexplicit writing style left readers disinterested and confused.
38. The regulation's inexplicit wording led to ambiguity, loopholes and difficulties in enforcement.
39. His gaze and vague smiles were so inexplicit that she couldn't determine if he was actually flirting with her.
40. The reviewer criticized the book's inexplicit portrayal of the main character's state of mind and motivation.
41. The audience complained that the comedian relied too much on inexplicit jokes that only some people understood.
42. The reviewer criticized the writer's overly inexplicit style that failed to elucidate key themes and ideas.
43. Her meaning was vague and inexplicit, forcing others to interpret her words however they wished.
44. The comic's inexplicit humor relied on assumptions shared by only a narrow audience.
45. The organization's mission statement was too vague and inexplicit to provide a clear sense of purpose.
46. The teacher urged students to avoid inexplicit terminology and jargon in their papers.
47. The ambiguous, inexplicit passage led to misinterpretations and confusion among readers.
48. The client demanded more explicit language in the contract to address some of the inexplicit ambiguities.
49. The open-ended final scene left the plotline inexplicit, allowing viewers different interpretations.
50. The client requested more specific language to address perceived ambiguities in the contract's inexplicit clauses.
51. The reviewer criticized the book for its puzzling use of inexplicit and archaic language.
52. The parent encouraged their child to move from inexplicit answers like "okay" towards more explicit responses.
53. The memo's inexplicit tone and lack of clarity left many employees confused about the new policies.
54. The writer's overly inexplicit references to history and philosophy left the work inaccessible to general readers.
55. His facial expression was so inexplicit that it was hard to tell if the news had upset him.
56. The riddle relied on wordplay and inexplicit clues rather than being grounded in explicit information.
57. The teacher requested that students avoid inexplicit phrasing like "stuff" and "things" in their essays.
58. The speaker's inexplicit statements required attentive listeners to interpret implied meanings.
59. The inexplicit nature of her response suggested that she did not actually intend to provide clarification.
60. Critics panned the movie for its shallow characters and inexplicit treatment of complex themes.
Common Phases
1. Vague and inexplicit
2. Too inexplicit
3. Rather inexplicit
4. Far too inexplicit
5. So inexplicit
6. Too inexplicit to
7. Overly inexplicit