Inexplicitus example sentences

Related (5): enigmaticus, ambiguum, mysteriosus, opacus, involutus

"Inexplicitus" Example Sentences

1. The meaning of the poem was inexplicitus to everyone in the room.
2. The instructions were inexplicitus and caused confusion among the students.
3. His feelings towards her were inexplicitus, making it hard to understand his intentions.
4. The rules of the game were inexplicitus and resulted in disputes among the players.
5. The reason for his absence was inexplicitus, leaving everyone guessing.
6. The details of the plan were inexplicitus, making it difficult to properly execute.
7. The tone of her message was inexplicitus and led to misunderstandings.
8. The requirements for the job were inexplicitus, causing many applicants to be unsure if they qualified.
9. The meaning of the painting was inexplicitus and open to interpretation.
10. The boundaries of the property were inexplicitus and led to arguments with neighbors.
11. The expectations of the project were inexplicitus, causing delays in completion.
12. The relationship between the two characters was inexplicitus and left readers confused.
13. The instructions for the experiment were inexplicitus, making it difficult to replicate.
14. The level of commitment needed for the job was inexplicitus and resulted in high turnover.
15. The terms of the contract were inexplicitus, causing problems later on.
16. The purpose of the meeting was inexplicitus, leading to a lack of focus.
17. The consequences for breaking the rules were inexplicitus and resulted in inconsistent punishments.
18. The source of the problem was inexplicitus and took longer to solve as a result.
19. The criteria for success were inexplicitus, causing confusion among team members.
20. The theme of the book was inexplicitus and left some readers unsure of the author's message.
21. The parameters of the experiment were inexplicitus, making it hard to draw accurate conclusions.
22. The format for the presentation was inexplicitus, making it difficult to follow.
23. The terms of the loan were inexplicitus, causing surprise fees and charges.
24. The nature of their relationship was inexplicitus and left friends and family curious.
25. The directions to the venue were inexplicitus and resulted in many people getting lost.
26. The guidelines for the assignment were inexplicitus, leading to a range of submissions that varied greatly in quality.
27. The punishment for the crime was inexplicitus, leading to a contentious trial.
28. The details of the plan were inexplicitus, leading to a chaotic execution.
29. The meaning behind the song lyrics was inexplicitus and left some fans scratching their heads.
30. The boundaries between personal and professional life were inexplicitus and led to burnout for many employees.

Common Phases

1. Inexplicitus est modus operandi; difficile est explicare.
2. Inexplicitus amor est; innumerabilia sunt eius mysteria.
3. Inexplicitus est veritas; sed semper invenienda.
4. Inexplicitus est carcer; sperandum est tamen.
5. Inexplicitus dolor est; sed tempus omnia sanat.
6. Inexplicitus est mundus; sed haec est nostra patria.
7. Inexplicitus est futurum; sed certus est finis vitae.

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