Infanticides example sentences

Related (7): feticides, neonaticides, filicides, uxoricides, genocide, parricides, matricides

"Infanticides" Example Sentences

1. Some ancient societies practiced infanticides as a means of population control.
2. The high rate of infanticides in certain regions is a cause for concern.
3. Infanticides were not uncommon during times of war and famine.
4. The perpetrators of infanticides often go unpunished due to lack of evidence.
5. Infanticides are a tragic reflection of the inhumanity of mankind.
6. Religiously motivated infanticides have been reported throughout history.
7. The prevalence of infanticides among certain animal species is a natural occurrence.
8. Infanticides are a violation of the most basic human right, the right to life.
9. The psychological impact of infanticides on surviving family members is devastating.
10. Governments should take proactive measures to prevent infanticides before they occur.
11. Infanticides are not limited to any particular race, religion, or culture.
12. The media's sensational coverage of infanticides can lead to copycat crimes.
13. The punishment for infanticides should be commensurate with the severity of the crime.
14. Infanticides committed by women are often the result of social and economic pressures.
15. The psychological profile of perpetrators of infanticides is complex and nuanced.
16. Infanticides are a reality that can no longer be ignored or swept under the rug.
17. The practice of female infanticides continues to be a problem in some parts of the world.
18. Infanticides are just one manifestation of the broader problem of violence against children.
19. There are various motives behind infanticides, including financial gain, religious beliefs, and mental illness.
20. Infanticides are not just a modern phenomenon; they have been documented throughout history.
21. Infanticides committed by parents or caregivers are a particularly heinous form of child abuse.
22. Education and awareness are key to reducing the incidence of infanticides.
23. The mental health of women who commit infanticides should be taken into consideration during sentencing.
24. The trauma of infanticides on healthcare workers who treat such cases can be long-lasting and severe.
25. Infanticides are often preventable if families have access to adequate resources and support.
26. Infanticides are a stark reminder that the fight for human rights is far from over.
27. Infanticides are often carried out in secrecy, making it difficult to track and prevent them.
28. Infanticides can have ripple effects on the wider community, such as increased fear and mistrust.
29. The international community should condemn all forms of infanticides as a violation of human rights.
30. The prevention and punishment of infanticides should be a top priority for governments worldwide.

Common Phases

1. Infanticides are a heinous crime; they rob innocent children of their future.
2. The prevalence of infanticides in some societies is deeply disturbing; it highlights the need for greater education and cultural change.
3. The psychological impact on those who commit infanticides cannot be ignored; they often suffer from guilt and shame for the rest of their lives.
4. It is important to remember that the victims of infanticides are not just the infants themselves; their families and communities are also affected.
5. The history of infanticides is long and complex; it reflects the values and beliefs of societies throughout time.

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