Inimicalmodif example sentences

Related (4): inimical, hostile, adverse, antagonistic

"Inimicalmodif" Example Sentences

1. The inimical modifications to the ecosystem were caused by human activity.
2. The inimical effects of pollution on our health cannot be ignored.
3. His inimical behavior towards his classmates led to his isolation.
4. The proposed changes to the legislation were deemed inimical to worker's rights.
5. The inimical nature of the disease made it difficult to treat.
6. The inimical weather conditions forced us to postpone the outdoor event.
7. The inimical attitudes of some parents toward the school's diversity policy were concerning.
8. His inimical comments towards the LGBTQ+ community were not tolerated.
9. The company's inimical policies towards the environment were met with outrage.
10. The inimical relationship between the two countries led to years of conflict.
11. The inimical climate made it challenging for farmers to grow crops.
12. The inimical comments made by the employee caused tension in the workplace.
13. The inimical effects of social media on our mental health are becoming increasingly apparent.
14. The inimical culture of the workplace made it difficult to thrive.
15. The inimical attitude of the coach towards the team's performance was demotivating.
16. The inimical changes in the economy were felt by many small businesses.
17. The inimical tone of the conversation made it difficult to come to a resolution.
18. The inimical effects of climate change on our planet are devastating.
19. The inimical behavior of the dog towards visitors made it difficult to socialize.
20. The inimical political climate made it difficult for lawmakers to pass legislation.
21. The inimical relationship between the two siblings was concerning to their parents.
22. The inimical comments made towards a religious group were met with backlash.
23. The inimical effects of the pandemic on the global economy are still being felt.
24. The inimical changes to the company's policy led to a decrease in morale.
25. The inimical attitudes towards mental health are being challenged through education.
26. The inimical changes to the education system were met with resistance from teachers.
27. The inimical comments made towards immigrants were met with disgust.
28. The inimical effects of technology on our social skills are concerning.
29. The inimical relationship between the two gangs led to a rise in violence.
30. The inimical weather conditions made it difficult for emergency services to respond.

Common Phases

not include any personal information.
1. The inimical modifications made to the software caused it to crash repeatedly;
2. The inimical modifications to the environment resulted in habitat loss for many animals;
3. Inimical modifications to the company's policies caused a decline in employee morale;
4. The inimical modifications to the building structure made it unsafe for occupancy;
5. The inimical modifications to the vehicle's engine caused it to perform poorly on the road.

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