Injurious example sentences

Related (5): harmful, damaging, detrimental, hurtful, hazardous

"Injurious" Example Sentences

1. Using the wrong type of equipment can be injurious to your health.
2. The toxic chemicals in that product can be highly injurious to the environment.
3. The corporation was accused of producing injurious products that harmed their customers.
4. Drinking too much alcohol can be injurious to your liver.
5. Smoking is one of the most injurious habits you can have.
6. The loud music from the concert could be injurious to your hearing if you aren't wearing earplugs.
7. The sharp edges on that toy could be injurious to children if they aren't careful.
8. Eating too much processed food can be injurious to your overall health.
9. The violent content in some video games can be injurious to the mental health of players.
10. That medication can be injurious to your kidney function if taken in large doses.
11. The effects of climate change can be injurious to the planet and all living beings.
12. The harmful rays from the sun can be injurious to your skin and eyes if you don't protect yourself.
13. Overworking yourself can be injurious to your mental and physical health in the long run.
14. The harmful ingredients in some beauty products can be injurious to your skin and hair.
15. The frequency of natural disasters can be injurious to communities and their infrastructure.
16. The vicious rumors spread by some people can be injurious to others' reputations.
17. Heavy traffic congestion can be injurious to air quality and overall health.
18. The lack of sleep can be injurious to your productivity and mental health.
19. Exposure to loud noises for prolonged periods of time can be injurious to your hearing.
20. The intense sun exposure during a heat wave can be injurious to your physical health.
21. Binge eating or purging behaviors can be injurious to mental and physical wellbeing over time.
22. The overuse of antibiotics can be injurious to the effectiveness of the medication itself.
23. The pollutants in the air can be injurious to plants, animals, and humans alike.
24. The bleeding from a cut can be injurious to your health if not properly cleaned and treated.
25. The lack of exercise can be injurious to your overall health and cause various health problems.
26. The harsh chemicals in some cleaning products can be injurious to the surfaces you use them on.
27. The degradation of natural habitats can be injurious to the survival of many species.
28. The dangerous driving of others can be injurious to your safety while on the road.
29. The overuse of technology can be injurious to mental and physical health, leading to addiction or other health problems.
30. The neglect of mental health can be injurious to your overall wellbeing and contribute to various mental health issues.

Common Phases

1. The injurious effects of smoking are well-documented;
2. The lack of proper safety gear can be highly injurious to one's health;
3. Injurious comments can cause irreparable damage to a person's self-esteem;
4. The use of pesticides is known to be injurious to the environment;
5. Ignoring an injury can lead to further injurious complications.

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