Innardsaltered example sentences

Related (8): Guts, entrails, intestines, bowels, modified, changed, transformed, adjusted.

"Innardsaltered" Example Sentences

1. After the surgery, the patient's innards were altered to improve their health.
2. The chef used a secret seasoning that altered the innards of the dish.
3. His excessive drinking had severely altered his innards, causing liver damage.
4. The medication altered the innards of the patient's stomach, causing nausea.
5. The car accident had altered the innards of the engine, rendering it useless.
6. The scientists altered the innards of the genetically modified plant to make it more resistant to pests.
7. The strange electromagnetic waves had altered the innards of the spaceship's navigation system, causing it to veer off course.
8. The surgeon had to alter the innards of the patient's heart during the cardiac procedure.
9. The contaminated food had severely altered the innards of the diners, causing them to fall ill.
10. The chemicals in the cleaning solution had altered the innards of the plastic container, causing it to melt.
11. The protagonist in the novel discovered a mysterious machine that could alter the innards of reality itself.
12. The invasive species had altered the innards of the ecosystem, causing irreversible damage.
13. The hacker had altered the innards of the software code, causing the program to malfunction.
14. The meteor impact had altered the innards of the planet's crust, causing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
15. The artist had altered the innards of the canvas with her brushstrokes, creating a masterpiece.
16. The pharmacist had altered the innards of the prescription, changing the dosage for safety reasons.
17. The mechanic had to alter the innards of the car's transmission, replacing a faulty part.
18. The dancer had altered the innards of her routine, incorporating new moves and music.
19. The bacteria had altered the innards of the food, causing it to spoil.
20. The time traveler had altered the innards of the past, causing significant changes in the present.
21. The engineer had to alter the innards of the machine, fixing a broken gear.
22. The architect had altered the innards of the blueprint, making changes to the design.
23. The poet had altered the innards of the words, creating a new form of expression.
24. The experimental drug had altered the innards of the patient's brain, changing their personality.
25. The storm had altered the innards of the landscape, carving new paths and destroying buildings.
26. The designer had altered the innards of the dress, adding new details and trimming.
27. The hacker had altered the innards of the website, gaining access to confidential information.
28. The miner had to alter the innards of the tunnel to avoid a cave-in.
29. The fire had altered the innards of the building, causing extensive damage.
30. The artist had altered the innards of the sculpture, adding more depth and texture.

Common Phases

1. The innardsaltered state of the machine was causing it to malfunction;
2. The surgeon observed the innardsaltered condition of the patient and made a quick decision;
3. The innardsaltered taste of the food made it difficult to eat;
4. The innardsaltered appearance of the building made it unrecognizable;
5. The innardsaltered chemistry of the experiment led to unexpected results.

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