Inquisitions example sentences

Related (11): heresy, persecution, interrogation, torture, confession, punishment, religion, power, control, fear, retribution

"Inquisitions" Example Sentences

1. The inquisitions of the Middle Ages were known for their brutal methods of interrogation.
2. During the Spanish inquisition, many innocent people were falsely accused of heresy.
3. The church's inquisition was responsible for persecuting many witches in the early modern period.
4. The inquisition was often used as a means of enforcing religious orthodoxy throughout Europe.
5. The inquisitions of the Catholic Church were often used to suppress dissenting views.
6. Many scholars have written extensively about the inquisitions of the medieval period.
7. The inquisition was responsible for condemning many prominent thinkers, like Galileo Galilei.
8. The inquisitions were often carried out in secret, making it difficult for anyone to challenge their authority.
9. Some historians argue that the inquisitions were a form of state terrorism, used to instill fear in the population.
10. The inquisition was responsible for the torture and execution of many Jews and Muslims during the Reconquista.
11. The inquisitions were notorious for their use of torture to extract confessions.
12. Despite its brutal methods, the inquisition was able to maintain its power for centuries.
13. Many people were falsely accused of heresy during the inquisitions, leading to mass hysteria in some regions.
14. The inquisitions have a lasting legacy, with the term still being used to describe oppressive and authoritarian regimes.
15. The fear of being accused of heresy led many people to self-censor, making it difficult for new ideas to emerge.
16. The inquisition was often seen as a threat to the enlightenment values of reason and freedom.
17. Some people have argued that the inquisition was actually a response to the threat posed by heretics and radicals.
18. The inquisition had a profound impact on European society, leading to widespread paranoia and sectarianism.
19. The inquisitions were often used as a way to unify disparate communities under a single belief system.
20. The inquisitions were one of the key reasons why the Catholic Church was able to maintain its power during the Middle Ages.
21. The inquisition was often seen as a tool of the state, rather than the church.
22. The inquisitions were responsible for the repression of many scientific and philosophical thinkers during the early modern period.
23. The inquisition was used to justify the persecution of many different groups, including Jews, Muslims, and witches.
24. The inquisition was notorious for its brutal methods of dealing with heretics and non-believers.
25. The inquisitions were often used to maintain the social and political status quo in Europe.
26. Many people were forced to flee their homes in order to escape the inquisitions.
27. The inquisitions were responsible for shaping the political and cultural landscape of Europe for centuries.
28. Despite its brutal reputation, the inquisition was often able to win over converts to the Catholic Church.
29. The inquisition was seen as a direct challenge to the humanist values of the renaissance.
30. The inquisitions were often carried out in order to protect the political interests of the Catholic Church.

Common Phases

not be afraid of the inquisition; cooperate with the inquisition; answer truthfully in the inquisition; seek legal counsel during the inquisition.

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