Insensitive example sentences

Related (7): callous, indifferent, unfeeling, unresponsive, unsympathetic, uncaring, cold-hearted



insensitive (adjective)

  - showing or feeling no concern for others' feelings:

  - not sensitive to a physical sensation:

  - not aware of or able to respond to something:


heartless, unfeeling, inconsiderate, thoughtless, compassionless, uncaring, unconcerned, unsympathetic, unkind, callous, hard, harsh, cruel, merciless, pitiless, unpitying, uncharitable, inhuman, sensitive, compassionate

"Insensitive" Example Sentences

1. His insensitive comment offended many people.
2. The teacher's insensitive remark caused the student to break down in tears.
3. Her insensitive behavior shows a lack of empathy.
4. The manager was criticized for being insensitive to the needs of employees.
5. Some accused the media of being insensitive in their coverage of the tragedy.
6. The recent jokes about the incident were widely regarded as insensitive.
7. His insensitive remarks only added to her grief.
8. Her tactless criticism was seen as insensitive and unnecessary.
9. The politician's insensitive joke cost him support.
10. I apologize if I was insensitive to your situation.
11. The co-worker's callous remarks were seen as insensitive and rude.
12. Some viewed the planned memorial as being racially insensitive.
13. His jokes about the serious illness were viewed as insensitive and hurtful.
14. The social media post was criticized as being insensitive and tone deaf.
15. Be careful not to be insensitive in your comments.
16. I find your lack of concern quite insensitive.
17. It was an ignorant and insensitive remark.
18. Do not be so insensitive as to ask her about it.
19. His blunt criticism was seen as insensitive and harsh.
20. The ads were accused of being racially insensitive.
21. Your hurtful words show a shocking lack of sensitivity.
22. Some saw the remarks as being politically insensitive.
23. Her thoughtless comment revealed an insensitive disregard for his feelings.
24. The celebrity was criticized for being culturally insensitive.
25. Her tactless question only added to his distress.
26. His prolonged absence showed a profound lack of care and sensitivity.
27. Your remark displays a shocking degree of insensitivity.
28. The article was criticized for its insensitive tone.
29. It was an unbelievably insensitive thing to say at this time.
30. Her obliviousness to his grief showed her insensitivity.
31. Please be more sensitive in your comments about this issue.
32. Many were offended by his careless and insensitive remarks.
33. The blogger was accused of being racially insensitive.
34. His clueless comment showed his lack of sensitivity.
35. Her dismissive response showed an insensitive lack of empathy.
36. His thoughtless joke revealed an insensitive obliviousness to her feelings.
37. His boorish behavior showed a profound lack of sensitivity.
38. The post displayed an insensitive lack of cultural awareness.
39. The politician was accused of being racially insensitive.
40. Her insensitive remark stirred outrage.
41. His careless comment only caused more pain and misery.
42. The comments were criticized for being socially and culturally insensitive.
43. His callous lack of concern reveals a shocking degree of insensitivity.
44. Her obliviousness to his suffering showed her insensitive disregard for his feelings.
45. The newspaper was criticized for its insensitive reporting on the tragedy.
46. Please be more sensitive and considerate in your words.
47. Her thoughtless remarks revealed an insensitive disregard for his feelings.
48. I apologize if my comment seemed racially insensitive.
49. Her tactless criticism showed no regard for his feelings.
50. His boorish behavior showed an insensitive lack of empathy and awareness.
51. The headline was criticized as being racially insensitive.
52. Her obliviousness to his suffering showed her insensitive disregard for his feelings.
53. His tone-deaf jokes were seen as racially insensitive.
54. The celebrity was accused of being culturally insensitive.
55. His careless words only added to her distress.
56. Her retort revealed an insensitive lack of empathy.
57. The politician's insensitive remarks cost him public support.
58. Her clueless question only added to his suffering.
59. His boorish behavior revealed an insensitive lack of social awareness.
60. The article was accused of being politically incorrect and racially insensitive.

Common Phases

1. His insensitive comments hurt my feelings.
2. She felt the teacher was racially insensitive when teaching about different cultures.
3. The rude boss was socially insensitive to the needs of his employees.
4. Many considered the ad campaign to be culturally insensitive.
5. The cult leader isolated and manipulated members in an emotionally insensitive way.
6. I called him out on his politically insensitive joke at the party.
7. The grieving widow felt the insensitive jokes made at the funeral were inappropriate.
8. His tone was tactless and insensitive when speaking to the customer.
9. She regretted being so financially insensitive when pressuring him to spend more money.
10. They ignored the plight of the homeless in an empathetically insensitive manner.
11. The woman lost patience with his chronically insensitive behavior towards others.
12. The recruiter asked personally insensitive questions during the interview.
13. Many called the blogger's article ageist and insensitively reductionist.
14. Her insensitive laughter caused further distress during an already difficult time.
15. The writer avoided publishing material that could be perceived as environmentally insensitive.
16. The harsh critic wrote with an unsympathetically insensitive pen.
17. The insensitive comment caused further distress in an already emotionally charged situation.
18. She approached the sensitive issue in a diplomatically insensitive way.
19. The doctor's thoughtlessly insensitive remark caused more pain for the grieving family.
20. The insensitive throwaway line ruined what could have been a nice conversation.
21. He speaks insensitively without regard for others' feelings.
22. The boy's harsh and insensitive teasing upset his classmates.
23. Many criticized the brand for being health-consciously insensitive with their product design.
24. I was disturbed by his community-unconsciously insensitive remarks about minorities.
25. The judge reprimanded the lawyer for their career-unconsciously insensitive cross-examination.
26. She regretted her tactless and insensitive initial reaction.
27. His gender-insensitive language added to her feelings of marginalization.
28. Critics condemned the exhibit as artistically and tastelessly insensitive.
29. His temper makes him prone to say thoughtlessly insensitive things in arguments.
30. The narrator showed an unrelentingly insensitive indifference to suffering.
31. The jaded city-dweller becomes irretrievably insensitive to the cries of the destitute.
32. The parent addressed the issue in a neglectfully insensitive manner.
33. His ignorant comments revealed an insensitively reductionist viewpoint.
34. The callous and insensitive rich man paid no heed to the plight of the poor.
35. She took offense at his inherently insensitive nature towards others misfortunes.
36. Friends warned her against the fundamentally insensitive boyfriend.
37. The boss spoke with an unnecessarily insensitive tone despite knowing her situation.
38. Many criticized the commercial for its age-insensitively stereotypical portrayal of teenagers.
39. He discarded the damaged toy in an emotionlessly insensitive way.
40. The poster's overly generalizing statement came across as unempathetically insensitive.
41. The insensitive remark cut her deeply.
42. The confrontational exchange quickly turned insensitive and hurtful.
43. I tried to explain in a delicately insensitive way.
44. The host spoke with an unwittingly insensitive tone.
45. Her thoughtlessly insensitive remarks caused considerable offense.
46. The child's cruelty showed an unnervingly insensitive lack of empathy.
47. The writer avoided emotionally and politically insensitive storylines.
48. The insensitive boss lacked sympathetic insight into his employees' personal issues.
49. Her tactless and insensitive intervention made a difficult situation worse.
50. Even his well-meaning jokes came across as unsympathetically insensitive.
51. His seemingly careless remark was deeply and insensitively hurtful.
52. Her thoughtless and insensitive remarks caused considerable upset.
53. The teacher scolded the student for their culturally and insensitively ignorant comment.
54. The privileged girl lacked relatably insensitive insight into the struggles of the poor.
55. The ad campaign came across as insensitively reductionist and stereotypical.
56. Her carelessly insensitive remark ruined what could have been a pleasant evening.
57. He spoke with an undiplomatically insensitive frankness.
58. The dialogue showed an unempathetically insensitive lack of awareness.
59. Her angrily insensitive outburst caused further hurt.
60. The reviewer criticized the story for failing to avoid emotionally and culturally insensitive stereotypes.

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