Inspirit example sentences
Related (14): inspire, invigorate, motivate, encourage, stir, animate, rally, embolden, hearten, uplift, stimulate, energize, arouse, kindle.
inspirit (verb) · inspirits (third person present) · inspirited (past tense) · inspirited (past participle) · inspiriting (present participle)
- encourage and enliven (someone):
encourage, prompt, prod, move, motivate, trigger, spark, galvanize, activate, kindle, fire, fuel, whet, nourish, inspire, rouse, arouse, excite, animate, quicken, pique, electrify, instigate, foment, fan, incite, provoke, sting, inflame, goad, incentivize, fillip, discourage"Inspirit" Example Sentences
1. The stirring speech inspirit the crowd.
2. The patriotic music seemed to inspirit the soldiers as they marched into battle.
3. The inspiring pep talk from their coach worked to inspirit the team before the big game.
4. The wintry surroundings and festive decorations in spirited her for the coming holidays.
5. The thought of seeing her family again in spirited her as she boarded the plane.
6. The team's hard-fought victory in spirited them to train even harder for the next match.
7. The beautiful sunrise over the mountains seemed to inspirit her soul.
8. The lively music in spirited the dancers as they took the floor.
9. The noble ideals of justice and freedom seemed to inspirit the protesters in their peaceful march.
10. The sight of the rising full moon over the ocean in spirited her spirit after a long hard day.
11. The rousing anthem in spirited patriotic feelings in the stadium crowd.
12. The encouraging words of her mentor in spirited her to continue pursuing her dream.
13. The challenges of motherhood often in spirited her to be a better parent.
14. The wild landscape seemed to inspirit a sense of adventure within her.
15. The cheerful song in spirited joy and laughter in the children playing outside.
16. His love and affection served to inspirit her throughout the difficult times.
17. The inspiring speech in spirited the crowd to take action for a worthy cause.
18. The majestic mountains in spirited her to persevere on her difficult hike.
19. The possibility of success in spirited her to take the risk and start her own business.
20. The team's camaraderie seemed to inspirit them to greater heights of cooperation.
21. The defiance of the protesters seemed to inspirit others to join their cause.
22. The warmth of the crackling fire in spirited memories of holidays past.
23. Her father's story in spirited her interest in history from a young age.
24. The unexpected vacation in spirited his desire for adventure and exploration.
25. The boisterous music and lively dancing in spirited the party guests.
26. The beautiful sunset over the ocean served to inspirit his soul.
27. The grand traditions of the ceremony seemed to inspirit feelings of patriotism.
28. His loving embrace in spirited her to face the difficult task ahead.
29. The mountain vista before her served to inspirit awe and wonder within her.
30. Memories of his childhood in spirited nostalgia and melancholic feelings.
31. The image of his loved ones at home in spirited him during his long deployment.
32. Her hope for the future in spirited her to make the best of the present moment.
33. The revelry of the festival in spirited joy and merriment in the crowd.
34. The constitutional principles of equality and freedom in spirited the nation's citizens.
35. The musician's lively performance in spirited dancing and clapping in the audience.
36. The young student's inquisitive nature in spirited his teacher with hope for the future.
37. The runner's determination seemed to inspirit the others to finish the race.
38. The prospect of a future reunion in spirited her throughout their time apart.
39. The evocative poem seemed to inspirit thoughts and feelings within the listener.
40. The benevolent spirit of the holiday season in spirited acts of charity and goodwill.
41. The sight of the stars twinkling against the inky sky in spirited feelings of wonder.
42. The singing of the old hymn in spirited nostalgic memories of past worship services.
43. The storyteller's animated performance served to inspirit her audience.
44. The blossoming flowers of spring in spirited a renewed sense of hope within her.
45. His words of encouragement in spirited her to carry on through this difficult time.
46. The stirring national anthem served to inspirit patriotic feelings within the crowd.
47. The athlete's spirited performance in spirited the crowd to cheer wildly for her team.
48. The performers seemed to inspirit the audience with their infectious optimism.
49. His inspirational words in spirited me to push myself beyond what I thought possible.
50. The solemn hymn in spirited feelings of reverence within the congregation.
51. The noisy celebrations outside in spirited feelings of wanderlust and adventure within her.
52. The protesters' fearless resistance in spirited others to join their cause.
53. The delicious scent of baking cookies in spirited memories of holidays past.
54. The artist's creative vision seemed to inspirit awe and inspiration in those who viewed her work.
55. The sprawling vista of green hills in spirited serenity and contentment within her soul.
56. The innovation and hard work of the pioneers in spirited future generations.
57. The announcement of the celebration in spirited feelings of excitement throughout the town.
58. The commanding melody of the bagpipes in spirited feelings of pride and bravery.
59. The promise of springtime in spirited hope within her weary heart.
60. The sight of her granddaughter in spirited joy and reminders of youth within her aging soul.
Common Phases
1. Inspirited conversation
2. Inspirited debate
3. Inspirited dialogue
4. Inspirited discussion
5. Inspirited exchange of ideas
6. Inspirited speech
7. Inspirited storytelling
8. Inspirited performance
9. Inspirited music
10. Inspirited activism
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