Instructors example sentences

Related (10): teachers, trainers, coaches, mentors, professors, educators, tutors, facilitators, lecturers, guides

"Instructors" Example Sentences

1. The instructors are highly qualified and experienced.
2. We have a team of instructors who specialize in different areas of study.
3. The instructors provide personalized feedback to each student.
4. It's important to communicate with your instructors if you have any questions or concerns.
5. Our instructors use a variety of teaching methods to keep students engaged.
6. The instructors are passionate about their subject matter and it shows in their teaching.
7. The instructors encourage students to think critically and problem-solve.
8. We provide ongoing training and support for our instructors to ensure they are up-to-date with best practices.
9. The instructors are available for one-on-one tutoring sessions.
10. During class, the instructors encourage collaboration and teamwork among students.
11. The instructors prioritize student safety and create a welcoming learning environment.
12. The instructors have high expectations for their students and push them to achieve their full potential.
13. The instructors provide clear and concise instructions for assignments and projects.
14. The instructors are knowledgeable about the latest industry trends and advancements.
15. The instructors are mentors, guiding students towards their career goals.
16. Our instructors make themselves available outside of class for additional help and support.
17. The instructors use real-world examples to make the material more engaging and relevant.
18. The instructors incorporate technology into their teaching to enhance the learning experience.
19. The instructors are supportive and always willing to offer a helping hand.
20. The instructors evaluate students based on their individual strengths and weaknesses.
21. The instructors facilitate discussion and encourage students to share their thoughts and ideas.
22. Our instructors have a diverse range of backgrounds and perspectives.
23. The instructors are committed to their students' success and work tirelessly to help them achieve their goals.
24. We provide feedback to our instructors to ensure they are meeting the needs of our students.
25. The instructors are patient and understanding, recognizing that every student learns at their own pace.
26. The instructors support student-led initiatives and encourage students to take ownership of their education.
27. The instructors are approachable and easy to talk to.
28. The instructors challenge students to think outside the box and explore new ideas.
29. The instructors are flexible and willing to adjust their teaching style to meet the needs of different learners.
30. Our instructors have a passion for teaching and are constantly seeking ways to improve the learning experience for their students.

Common Phases

1. The instructors are knowledgeable and experienced;
2. The instructors provide personalized attention to each student;
3. The instructors emphasize the importance of safety in the classroom;
4. The instructors use various teaching techniques to keep students engaged;
5. The instructors offer constructive feedback to help students improve;
6. The instructors encourage open communication and questions;
7. The instructors hold high expectations for their students;
8. The instructors provide real-world examples to illustrate concepts;
9. The instructors create a positive and supportive learning environment;
10. The instructors are passionate about teaching and their subject matter.

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