Intellectualized example sentences

Related (10): rationalized, conceptualized, analyzed, systematized, academicized, philosophized, idealized, theorized, abstracted, cognitized

"Intellectualized" Example Sentences

1. He intellectualized every decision he made.
2. Her penchant for intellectualized debate made her popular amongst the academics.
3. The author's writing style was too intellectualized for the average reader.
4. She intellectualized her emotions and struggles, never allowing herself to fully experience them.
5. The philosopher's words had been so intellectualized that they had become almost unintelligible to the average person.
6. He was known for his intellectualized approach to problem-solving.
7. The movie was heavily intellectualized and left many viewers feeling confused.
8. The artist's work was often criticized for being overly intellectualized and lacking emotion.
9. She had intellectualized her trauma so much that she had become emotionally detached from it.
10. The CEO intellectualized every aspect of the business, leaving no room for spontaneity.
11. His speeches were so intellectualized that they often put people to sleep.
12. The debate became intellectualized to the point where it lost sight of its original purpose.
13. She intellectualized her insecurities, analyzing them instead of addressing them.
14. The book was an intellectualized examination of human nature and morality.
15. His intellectualized humor was lost on those who didn't have the same level of education as him.
16. The political commentary was too intellectualized for the audience, who just wanted to hear simplified solutions.
17. She intellectualized her anxieties, turning them into something to be studied rather than something to be healed.
18. The scientific research was so heavily intellectualized that it failed to have any practical applications in the real world.
19. He was accused of intellectualizing the issue, instead of approaching it with empathy and understanding.
20. The historian's writing was criticized for being too intellectualized and dry.
21. Her academic background had trained her to intellectualize everything, even relationships.
22. The philosophical debates were often excessively intellectualized, preventing any real conclusions from being drawn.
23. He intellectualized his love for her, analyzing it instead of simply feeling it.
24. The mathematics problem was so intellectualized that only a select few could solve it.
25. The literary analysis was accused of being overly intellectualized, failing to appreciate the emotional impact of the work.
26. She intellectualized her spirituality, treating it like an academic subject to be studied.
27. The legal argument had become so intellectualized that it no longer reflected the human impact of the case.
28. His scientific research had become too intellectualized, losing sight of real-world applications.
29. The artistic work was criticized for being too intellectualized, turning the beauty of the piece into something cold and academic.
30. She intellectualized every aspect of her life, leaving little room for spontaneity or emotion.

Common Phases

1. "Let's approach this issue in an intellectualized manner;"
2. "I tend to intellectualize situations too much;"
3. "I appreciate your intellectualized perspective on the matter;"
4. "It's important to intellectualize our decision-making process;"
5. "Sometimes, I find it difficult to intellectualize my emotions."

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