Intelligencers example sentences

Related (5): spies, agents, informants, sources, moles

"Intelligencers" Example Sentences

1. The intelligencers were tasked with gathering information on the enemy's next move.
2. The king relied on his intelligencers to keep him informed about potential threats.
3. The intelligencers reported that there was a spy within their ranks.
4. The intelligencers used all sorts of methods to obtain valuable intelligence.
5. The intelligencers were able to intercept a coded message from the enemy.
6. The queen met with her intelligencers to discuss the latest intelligence on troop movements.
7. The intelligencers had to be extremely discreet in their operations, or risk being discovered.
8. The intelligencers were well-paid for their dangerous and important work.
9. The intelligencers were sometimes referred to as spies or secret agents.
10. The intelligencers relied on their networks of informants to gather intelligence.
11. The intelligencers worked closely with the military to provide strategic intelligence.
12. The intelligencers were known to use deception and misdirection to protect their sources.
13. The king trusted his intelligencers more than any other advisors.
14. The intelligencers were always looking for new methods to improve their intelligence gathering capabilities.
15. The intelligencers were often sent on dangerous missions behind enemy lines.
16. The queen's intelligencers were renowned for their loyalty and discretion.
17. The intelligencers had to be able to blend in seamlessly in order to avoid suspicion.
18. The intelligencers were constantly battling with rival intelligence agencies for information.
19. The king appointed his most trusted intelligencers to oversee the country's intelligence operations.
20. The intelligencers were the eyes and ears of the government, always on the lookout for potential threats.
21. The intelligencers were required to swear oaths of secrecy before being granted access to classified information.
22. The queen's intelligencers were known to go to great lengths to obtain valuable intelligence.
23. The intelligencers were often called upon to provide analysis of intelligence reports.
24. The king's intelligencers were rumored to possess supernatural abilities to gather information.
25. The intelligencers were skilled at breaking codes and deciphering messages.
26. The intelligencers were instrumental in preventing several assassination attempts on the king.
27. The queen's intelligencers had to be able to operate independently and think on their feet.
28. The intelligencers were often sent on long-term undercover missions to gather intelligence.
29. The king's intelligencers had to maintain strict discipline and follow the chain of command at all times.
30. The intelligencers were tasked with keeping the government secure, even at the cost of their own safety.

Common Phases

1. The intelligencers reported that the suspect was seen near the crime scene; however, they were unable to apprehend him.
2. Through the use of advanced technology, the intelligencers were able to intercept and decipher the enemy's messages; consequently, they were able to prevent an attack.
3. The intelligencers were tasked with gathering information on the rival company's new product; moreover, they were able to uncover their marketing strategy as well.
4. The intelligencers informed the government about the terrorist's plans; subsequently, a counter-intelligence operation was initiated.
5. After conducting extensive research, the intelligencers concluded that the new drug had potential side effects; consequently, it was banned from the market.

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