Interceders example sentences

Related (6): mediators, negotiators, arbitrators, facilitators, conciliators, intermediaries

"Interceders" Example Sentences

1. The interceders pleaded with the king to pardon the prisoner.
2. The interceders interfered in the dispute between the neighbors.
3. The interceders acted as mediators to resolve the conflict.
4. The interceders made a plea to the judge for leniency.
5. The interceders stood up for the rights of the oppressed.
6. The interceders brokered a deal between the two parties.
7. The interceders negotiated a compromise that satisfied everyone.
8. The interceders advocated for the victim of injustice.
9. The interceders intervened on behalf of the vulnerable.
10. The interceders spoke up against discrimination and prejudice.
11. The interceders fought for the underprivileged and marginalized.
12. The interceders defused the tension in the room with their diplomacy.
13. The interceders meddled in affairs that were not their own.
14. The interceders overstepped their boundaries and caused more harm than good.
15. The interceders acted as peacemakers amidst the chaos.
16. The interceders sought to rectify the injustices of the world.
17. The interceders sought to bring about reconciliation between the warring factions.
18. The interceders provided a voice for those who could not speak up for themselves.
19. The interceders put themselves in harm's way to protect the innocent.
20. The interceders went above and beyond the call of duty in their quest for justice.
21. The interceders took risks to bring about change in their community.
22. The interceders were praised for their courage and fortitude in the face of adversity.
23. The interceders worked tirelessly to promote peace and harmony.
24. The interceders confronted the oppressors and demanded justice.
25. The interceders acted as advocates for those who had been wronged.
26. The interceders made bold moves to make their voice heard.
27. The interceders were revered for their wisdom and level-headedness.
28. The interceders showed empathy and compassion towards the downtrodden.
29. The interceders used their influence to effect positive change in the world.
30. The interceders inspired others to join them in the fight against injustice.

Common Phases

1. The interceders mediated the dispute between the two parties; they helped both sides understand each other's perspective.
2. The interceders intervened in the argument to prevent it from getting out of hand; they diffused the tension and helped calm everyone down.
3. The interceders acted as a bridge between the two groups; they facilitated communication and helped establish trust.
4. The interceders stepped in to resolve the conflict; they listened to both sides and found a mutually beneficial solution.
5. The interceders advocated for the needs and concerns of those involved; they worked to ensure that everyone's interests were taken into account.
6. The interceders played a crucial role in bringing about a peaceful resolution; they were able to deescalate the situation and restore order.

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