"Interloper" Example Sentences
1. The angry farmer shooed away the interloper who was trying to steal fruit from his orchard.
2. There was an unhappy look on the cat's face as the interloping kitten stole her spot in the window.
3. No interlopers are allowed at this secret meeting.
4. The manager came out to confront the interloper who was trespassing on company property.
5. The nosy neighbor was seen as an interloping gossip by the rest of the street.
6. Get that interloper off my property before I call the police, the angry landowner shouted.
7. The king banished the interloper who had snuck into the castle under false pretenses.
8. We do not tolerate interlopers at our club, so do not ask to join, the snooty member said.
9. The crowd turned on the interloping fan who had run onto the field during the big game.
10. The boss frowned at the interloping employee who was eavesdropping on a private phone call.
11. The interloper attempted to join in the fun but was met with suspicion and scorn.
12. The unsuspecting interloper got an unpleasant surprise when the guard dogs chased after him.
13. Have that interloping beggar removed at once, ordered the wealthy nobleman.
14. The interloper crashed our party without an invitation, eating all the food and drinking all the beer.
15. The politician's advisers warned him against accepting input from political interlopers outside his party.
16. The office workers resented the interloping consultant who tried to tell them how to do their jobs better.
17. Our close friendship group does not welcome interlopers who try to muscle their way in.
18. The lovebirds resented the interloping third wheel who always tried to join their dates.
19. Security threw the intoxicated interloper out of the fancy awards show.
20. The queen's advisors were suspicious of the ambitious young knight, viewing him as an interloping upstart.
21. The rude interloper barged into the peaceful conversation without so much as a by-your-leave.
22. The workers regarded government inspectors as unwelcome interlopers who interfered with their jobs.
23. Nobody wants an interloping meddler spoiling the fun, so keep your opinions to yourself.
24. The king's brother eyed the throne as a potential interloper, plotting to overthrow the rightful ruler.
25. We viewed the interlopers as invaders attempting to assimilate our culture instead of respecting it.
26. The detective eyed the suspicious young man as a potential interloper in the rich widow's life.
27. The angry writer dismissed internet critics as interloping amateurs who didn't understand his art.
28. Begone, foul interloper! Thou shalt not darken my door again, warned the eccentric homeowner.
29. The overeager intern acted like an interloping know-it-all, annoying the experienced staff.
30. Our close group of friends does not welcome interlopers who try to insinuate themselves into the circle.
31. Get that interloping dog away from my sheep right now! Shouted the frustrated farmer.
32. The injured bird hissed at the interloping cat who approached its nest of baby chicks.
33. The gossiping interloper quickly spread the town's secrets far and wide.
34. Our union does not recognize interlopers who undermine our negotiating position, the angry worker said.
35. The interloping skater cut directly in front of my turn, ignoring skate park etiquette.
36. The homeowners association fined the interloping resident who failed to follow community rules.
37. The interloper seemed friendly enough at first, but soon showed his sinister motives.
38. Uninvited interlopers were not welcome at the exclusive gala.
39. The interloping raccoon got into a fight with the territorial tomcat in the backyard.
40. The jealous sibling eyed her sister's friend as an interloping usurper of familial affection.
41. The love triangle turned bitter as each suitor saw the other as an interloping rival.
42. There was an uncomfortable silence as the interloper realized he had intruded on a private moment.
43. The family heirlooms were missing, and all fingers pointed to the shady interloping cousin.
44. The art historian dismissed modern artists as interloping neophytes who lacked true technique.
45. Visitors were seen as unwelcome interlopers who disrupted the peaceful rhythms of monastery life.
46. The impoverished newcomer was viewed as an interloping beggar, not a valuable addition to the community.
47. The artist resented critics as interloping scribblers who could not create art themselves.
48. The teacher firmly reminded the interloping students that class had not started yet.
49. Get that interloping rodent out of my kitchen at once! Shouted the disgusted chef.
50. The club members were suspicious of every interloping stranger who wandered into their midst.
51. The interlopers trying to join our hiking trip were met with disdain by the experienced mountaineers.
52. Begone, foul interloping spirit! I command you in the name of the Lord, exclaimed the priest.
53. The cat's mate hissed at the interloping stray that wandered into the backyard.
54. The busybody neighbor was viewed as an interloping meddler by the rest of the street.
55. I shall not suffer knaves and interlopers in my court, bellowed the king.
56. The busy interloper rudely interrupted our conversation without so much as an apology.
57. The jealous boy eyed his friend's new playmate as an interloping usurper.
58. The maid chased the interloping frog out of the kitchen with a broom.
59. The lonely bird glared at the interloping crow that landed in its nesting tree.
60. The interloper was quickly ejected from the secret society for attempting to infiltrate its sacred rites.
Common Phases
1. Unwelcome
This phrase refers to someone who is interfering or butting in where they are not wanted.
2. Intruding
This describes someone who has intruded or imposed themselves where they are not invited.
3. Meddlesome
This phrase refers to an
interloper who is overly nosy or likes to interfere with other people's business.
4. Unsolicited
This describes an
interloper who has imposed themselves or become involved without being asked.
5. Busybody
A busybody
interloper is someone who pries or meddles in the affairs of others due to their own nosiness.
6. Unwanted
An unwanted
interloper is someone who has imposed on a situation or group where they are not actually desired.
7. Interloping upstart
An interloping upstart is a young or inexperienced person who presumptuously tries to encroach on an established group or situation.
Interloper outsider
interloper outsider is an
interloper who does not naturally belong to or fit in with the established group they are trying to join.