Interventionism example sentences

Related (5): war, diplomacy, non-interference, isolationism, neutrality

"Interventionism" Example Sentences

1. Many scholars argue that interventionism is detrimental to democracy.
2. The country's foreign policy was marked by interventionism during the Cold War.
3. Critics of interventionism argue that it leads to increased military spending.
4. Interventionism is often used as a means to promote human rights and democracy.
5. The interventionism of powerful nations is often viewed as a form of imperialism.
6. The debate over interventionism spans decades and has various opinions.
7. The rise of interventionism is often linked to the idea of American exceptionalism.
8. Interventionism in the Middle East has remained a contentious issue for years.
9. Some argue that interventionism is necessary in order to protect national security.
10. The interventionism of developed nations is often seen as a form of neocolonialism.
11. The effects of interventionism on struggling economies are highly debated.
12. The history of interventionism in Central and South America is complex and controversial.
13. Some experts argue that economic interventionism can lead to unintended consequences.
14. Interventionism has been a major factor in shaping international relations since World War II.
15. The issue of interventionism often pits nationalist against globally-minded individuals.
16. Many countries have introduced interventionist policies in order to combat climate change.
17. Interventionism is often criticized for being motivated by profit or natural resource control.
18. The concept of humanitarian interventionism has become increasingly popular in recent years.
19. Many political leaders are hesitant to support interventionism out of fear of backlash from constituents.
20. The debate over interventionism often centers around the balance between national sovereignty and global responsibility.
21. Some scholars view interventionism as a reflection of the power dynamics between developed and developing nations.
22. The rise of interventionism is often attributed to globalization and the increasing interconnectivity of the world.
23. Economic interventionism can take many forms, including tariffs, subsidies, and regulations.
24. Interventionism has shifted over the years from direct military action to economic sanctions and diplomatic pressure.
25. The effectiveness of interventionism is often questioned, with some arguing that it causes more harm than good.
26. The debate over interventionism is not limited to foreign policy; it also applies to domestic policy as well.
27. The question of when and where interventionism is appropriate is one that remains unresolved.
28. Many scholars believe that interventionism is a necessary evil in an increasingly interconnected world.
29. The history of interventionism is fraught with examples of unintended consequences and failed initiatives.
30. Debates over interventionism often reveal deeper ideological divides between opponents and proponents.

Common Phases

1. Government interventionism is often debated in economic circles;
2. Some argue that interventionism is necessary to protect vulnerable populations;
3. Critics of interventionism argue that it stifles innovation and free market competition;
4. Many countries have adopted a mixed economy model, balancing elements of free market capitalism and government interventionism;
5. The extent of interventionism varies greatly depending on the political and economic climate of a given region.

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