Intuitional example sentences

Related (6): instinctive, innate, instinctual, spontaneous, intuitive, natural

"Intuitional" Example Sentences

1. Her intuitional approach to problem-solving saved the company thousands of dollars.
2. The artist relied heavily on her intuitional senses to create abstract paintings.
3. The detective followed his intuitional hunch and cracked the case.
4. The athlete's intuitional ability to read the game was unmatched.
5. His intuitional grasp of advanced mathematical concepts was impressive.
6. She had an intuitional feeling that something was off, but couldn't quite put her finger on it.
7. The psychic relied on her intuitional gifts to give accurate readings to her clients.
8. His intuitional understanding of different cultures helped him navigate international business deals with ease.
9. The writer's intuitional sense of language made her prose flow effortlessly.
10. Her intuitional understanding of animal behavior helped her train dogs for search and rescue missions.
11. The musician's intuitional sense of rhythm and melody made her compositions stand out.
12. His intuitional understanding of physics made him excel in his studies.
13. The teacher's intuitional approach to her students' needs helped them succeed academically.
14. She had an intuitional sense that they were being watched, and quickly left the area.
15. His intuitional perception of people's emotions made him a great mediator in conflicts.
16. The doctor's intuitional sense led her to correctly diagnose a rare disease in her patient.
17. Her intuitional grasp of complex political situations made her a sought-after advisor.
18. The chef's intuitional sense in combining flavors made his dishes unforgettable.
19. His intuitional understanding of engineering principles made him a top candidate for the job.
20. She followed her intuitional instinct and took a different route home, avoiding a traffic jam.
21. The philosopher's intuitional perception of existential issues made her writings profound.
22. His intuitional grasp of market trends made him a successful investor.
23. The designer's intuitional sense of aesthetics made her creations visually stunning.
24. She relied on her intuitional understanding of body language to negotiate successful business deals.
25. His intuitional sense of humor made him a favorite among his friends.
26. The architect's intuitional understanding of space and structure made his buildings iconic.
27. The painter's intuitional sense of color made her artworks vibrant and full of life.
28. Her intuitional perception of musical talent led her to discover some of the biggest stars in the industry.
29. His intuitional understanding of customer needs made him a great salesperson.
30. The scientist's intuitional grasp of complex theories made her one of the leading researchers in her field.

Common Phases

1. I have an intuitional feeling that something is not right;
2. My intuitional sense is telling me to trust my instincts;
3. She has always been intuitional and that's what has made her successful;
4. I rely heavily on my intuitional insights to make important decisions;
5. His intuitional abilities are unmatched in our team.

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