Irreclaimable example sentences

Related (5): irrecoverable, irretrievable, irreparable, irredeemable, irreformable

"Irreclaimable" Example Sentences

1. The damage caused by the wildfire was irreclaimable.
2. The stolen artifact was considered irreclaimable due to its black market demand.
3. After years of neglect and decay, the abandoned house was deemed irreclaimable.
4. The toxic waste spill irrevocably rendered the once-pristine river irreclaimable.
5. His addiction to drugs had made him an irreclaimable person in the eyes of his family.
6. The company's reputation was irreclaimable after the scandal.
7. Her reputation as a dishonest politician was irreclaimable.
8. The ancient city, once a bustling metropolis, had become irreclaimable after centuries of warfare and pillaging.
9. His reckless behavior made him an irreclaimable risk for the insurance company.
10. The evidence against the accused was deemed irreclaimable by the prosecution.
11. The contaminated land became irreclaimable after years of industrial pollution.
12. The oil spill made the once-beautiful coastline irreclaimable.
13. The unscrupulous businessman's reputation was irreclaimable.
14. The abandoned mine was considered an irreclaimable hazard to the environment.
15. Her suffering at the hands of her abusers had made her an irreclaimable victim in the eyes of the law.
16. The neglected park had become so overrun with weeds and garbage that it was irreclaimable.
17. The treasure lost at sea was considered irreclaimable due to the dangerous depths and currents.
18. The abandoned factory was deemed irreclaimable due to the asbestos and other hazardous materials.
19. His repeated failures and lack of effort made him an irreclaimable employee.
20. The contaminated soil was considered irreclaimable by the environmental agency.
21. The war-torn country had become almost irreclaimable due to the numerous factions and rivalries.
22. The irreversible damage to the ecosystem had made the once-thriving wildlife refuge irreclaimable.
23. Her addiction to gambling and alcohol made her an irreclaimable debtor to the loan sharks.
24. The stolen paintings were considered irreclaimable after being sold on the black market.
25. The dilapidated building was irreclaimable due to the crumbling walls and foundation.
26. Her violent behavior and lack of remorse made her an irreclaimable sociopath.
27. The contaminated water supply was deemed irreclaimable due to the high levels of pollutants.
28. The ancient artwork was considered irreclaimable after being lost in the centuries of war and destruction.
29. The neglected farmland had become so barren and contaminated that it was irreclaimable.
30. His chronic lying had made him an irreclaimable pariah in his social circle.

Common Phases

1. The damage caused by the hurricane is irreclaimable; our homes, businesses, and communities are forever changed.
2. Once you give away your confidentiality, it's irreclaimable; you can't take back what's already been disclosed.
3. The land polluted by toxic chemicals is irreclaimable; it's no longer suitable for human habitation or cultivation.
4. Losing a loved one is an irreclaimable pain; no amount of time or healing can fully erase the grief.
5. The irreversible damage to our reputation is irreclaimable; we can only move forward and try to make amends.

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