Irresoluteness example sentences

Related (7): hesitation, indecision, uncertainty, wavering, vacillation, ambivalence, doubt



irresolute (adjective)

  - showing or feeling hesitancy; uncertain:


indecisive, hesitant, tentative, nervous, weak, vacillating, equivocating, dithering, wavering, teetering, fluctuating, faltering, ambivalent, divided, torn, doubtful, unsure, uncertain, undecided, uncommitted, unresolved, undetermined, iffy, decisive, Legal

"Irresoluteness" Example Sentences

1. His irresoluteness nearly caused him to miss the deadline.
2. The author criticized the politician's irresoluteness in the face of crisis.
3. Her irresoluteness stemmed from a lack of self-confidence.
4. His irresoluteness frustrated his colleagues who needed a decision.
5. Indecisiveness and irresoluteness cause one to waste valuable time.
6. The king's irresoluteness prevented any effective action against the invading armies.
7. The general's irresoluteness cost them the battle.
8. The professor chastised the student for his irresoluteness and unwillingness to commit to a thesis.
9. Irresoluteness is the tendency to hesitate or remain undecided in the face of choices or action.
10. Due to his irresoluteness, many opportunities passed him by.
11. His constant questioning and irresoluteness infuriated his boss.
12. Her irresoluteness in the relationship frustrated her partner.
13. Some amount of deliberation is wise, but irresoluteness achieves nothing.
14. The coach criticized the team's irresoluteness and lack of commitment on the field.
15. His irresoluteness on important matters made him seem vacillating and weak.
16. His chronic irresoluteness and inability to make decisions strained his marriage.
17. Irresoluteness can be caused by a lack of self-confidence, unclear objectives, or avoidant personality traits.
18. With age and experience often comes a decrease in irresoluteness and an increase in decisiveness.
19. The boy's mother scolded him for his irresoluteness in choosing a career path.
20. Learning to overcome irresoluteness requires setting objectives, gathering information, and weighing options logically.
21. She apologized for her irresoluteness in responding to his marriage proposal.
22. The scientist blamed his irresoluteness on his propensity for overanalyzing options.
23. Weaknesses like self-doubt, insecurity and irresoluteness can be overcome through experience and practice.
24. Her constant wavering and irresoluteness trying to decide a restaurant infuriated me.
25. His boss criticized him for irresoluteness in assigning tasks and delegating responsibilities to his team.
26. The student blamed his irresoluteness on an overload of choices and options.
27. His spouse confronted him about his irresoluteness in the face of family decisions.
28. Irresoluteness stems from a variety of factors including lack of expertise, conflicting goals and emotional influences.
29. The counselor helped him overcome irresoluteness through developing objectives, Considering pros and cons, And prioritizing important factors.
30. His irresoluteness on the golf course and indecision on shots cost him many strokes.
31. The committee criticized the proposal for its irresoluteness and failure to provide a clear plan of action.
32. Irresoluteness allows fear of failure or negative outcomes to outweigh motivation to act.
33. The indecisiveness and irresoluteness of youth often gives way to the decisiveness and focus of maturity.
34. The debilitating effects of irresoluteness can be overcome through goal setting, gathering information, and deliberate practice.
35. His indecision and irresoluteness lead his business partners to question his competence and leadership abilities.
36. Irresoluteness is not a permanent condition but a state of mind that can be transformed through discipline, mindfulness and intention.
37. The conditions she grew up in fostered irresoluteness, insecurity and avoidance of difficult decision making.
38. Overcoming irresoluteness often requires one to contend with fear of failure, lack of confidence, and other emotional obstacles.
39. His therapist helped him overcome feelings of anxiety and insecurity that were at the root of his irresoluteness.
40. With patience and practice, even those prone to irresoluteness can develop the skills of decisiveness and committment.
41. Her spouse's irresoluteness meant all decisions fell to her, causing resentment and frustration in the relationship.
42. Chronic indecisiveness and irresoluteness can indicate deeper underlying psychological issues that need to be addressed.
43. The couple's counselor helped them work through communication issues and transform irresoluteness into decisiveness.
44. His irresoluteness stemmed from fear of making the wrong choice and letting others down.
45. She overcame her tendency towards irresoluteness by setting goals, breaking down decisions into manageable steps, and seeking input from trusted advisers.
46. With mindfulness, patience and practice, people prone to irresoluteness can transform into decisive leaders others can depend on.
47. Irresoluteness often stems from fear, lack of confidence and avoidance of difficult choices rather than logical hesitancy.
48. Listening to one's doubts while also acting from a place of self-acceptance can help transform irresoluteness into decisiveness.
49. The psychologist helped her see that irresoluteness did not indicate weakness but could instead empower growth and decisiveness.
50. Irresoluteness derives from a perception that no option is completely "right," while decisiveness accepts that action itself moves one forward.
51. The instructor challenged students prone to irresoluteness to practice deliberate decision making as a skill to be developed.
52. Leaders must work to transform any tendencies towards irresoluteness through disciplined habits of logical analysis and goal setting.
53. Irresoluteness in the face of complex problems often indicates a need for more information, discussion and exploration of possibilities.
54. With self-compassion and persistence, those who struggle with irresoluteness can develop mindsets that enable decisive action.
55. Setting goals and priorities helps transform irresoluteness into informed decision making focused on what truly matters most.
56. His career coach helped him see that irresoluteness stemmed more from negative self-talk than logical hesitancy or care.
57. The entrepreneur realized that overcoming irresoluteness required not just decisive action but a willingness to accept failure as part of growth.
58. Addressing irresoluteness often requires cultivating both confidence from within and seeking wisdom from the perspectives of others.
59. The solution to irresoluteness lies not in hasty decisions but in fostering presence of mind, clarity of vision and courage of conviction.
60. Transformative leaders must work to overcome personal tendencies towards irresoluteness through disciplined thinking, compassionate courage and clear intention.

Common Phases

1. Tendency toward irresoluteness
2. Prone to irresoluteness
3. Suffers from irresoluteness
4. Struggles with irresoluteness
5. Overcome irresoluteness
6. Combat irresoluteness
7. Causes of irresoluteness
8. Effects of irresoluteness
9. Consequences of irresoluteness
10. Irresoluteness stems from
11. Irresoluteness can be caused by
12. Transforming irresoluteness into decisiveness
13. Addressing irresoluteness
14. Dealing with irresoluteness
15. Managing irresoluteness
16. Resolving issues of irresoluteness
17. Correcting tendencies toward irresoluteness
18. Reducing irresoluteness
19. Criticized for irresoluteness
20. Blamed irresoluteness on

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