Irritantclassical example sentences

Related (2): irritant, classical

"Irritantclassical" Example Sentences

1. The irritating classical music was making me want to leave the concert.
2. The addition of the irritating classical melody ruined the song.
3. His penchant for playing irritating classical tunes was well-known among his friends.
4. The irritating classical radio station was the only thing he could find on his drive home.
5. The irritating classical music in the store made me want to leave without buying anything.
6. The irritating classical sounds filled the empty room, making it feel even colder.
7. The irritating classical music blaring from the neighbor's house made it hard to concentrate on work.
8. The irritating classical music continued even though the party had ended hours ago.
9. The irritating classical music in the restaurant made it impossible to enjoy our meal.
10. The irritating classical music was played at a volume that could be heard across the entire block.
11. The irritating classical piece seemed to go on forever, never getting to the part that we actually wanted to listen to.
12. The irritating classical composition had been stuck in his head all day.
13. The irritating classical notes danced around in her head, taunting her while she tried to sleep.
14. The irritating classical soundtrack had been playing in the movie theater for 30 minutes before the previews even started.
15. The irritating classical music was supposed to be relaxing, but it was making me more anxious.
16. The irritating classical music could be heard in the waiting room, adding to our already tense atmosphere.
17. The irritating classical music must have been on repeat, as it seemed to repeat the same tune over and over again.
18. The irritating classical music coming from the other side of the wall was making it hard to study.
19. The irritating classical piece was so high-pitched that it hurt my ears.
20. The irritating classical music was like nails on a chalkboard to me.
21. The irritating classical singer didn't seem to notice that they were off-key.
22. The irritating classical piece was being played on an out-of-tune instrument, ruining the melody.
23. The irritating classical music made it hard to fall asleep, as the tune kept replaying in my head.
24. The irritating classical opera seemed to go on forever, with no end in sight.
25. The irritating classical music seemed to be specifically designed to irritate children.
26. The irritating classical music was so loud that I couldn't hear anything else in the house.
27. The irritating classical guitar playing made it impossible to concentrate on my book.
28. The irritating classical piece was being played so slowly that it was putting me to sleep.
29. The irritating classical music was playing at such a low volume that I could barely hear it, but it was still grating on my nerves.
30. The irritating classical music in the elevator made me wish that I had taken the stairs.
31. The irritating classical music coming from the car next to me at the stoplight was so loud that it shook my windows.
32. The irritating classical music was being played so fast that I couldn't keep up with the melody.
33. The irritating classical singer seemed to be intentionally dragging out the vowels, making the song unbearable.
34. The irritating classical song had been stuck in my head all day, even after I had left the store.
35. The irritating classical music was so grating that I had to put my headphones on to block it out.
36. The irritating classical tune was so catchy that I found myself humming it, even though I hated it.
37. The irritating classical music was so distorted that I couldn't even tell what it was supposed to be.
38. The irritating classical piece was being played at the wrong tempo, making it unrecognizable.
39. The irritating classical music was so loud that I had to cover my ears to muffle the sound.
40. The irritating classical singer seemed to be yelling the lyrics, making it unbearable to listen to.

Common Phases

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