Irruptfrom example sentences

Related (2): explode, erupt

"Irruptfrom" Example Sentences

1. The birds irrupt from their nests at the first sign of dawn.
2. The people irrupt from the building, screaming, when the fire alarm went off.
3. The lava began to irrupt from the volcano, slowly but surely.
4. The sound of the gunshots made the horses irrupt from their stables.
5. We watched the balloons irrupt from the sky and float away.
6. The fighter jets irrupt from the clouds and began their attack.
7. The water was so hot it made the steam irrupt from the pot.
8. The children irrupt from the playground at the end of recess.
9. A group of protestors irrupt from the crowd, demanding justice.
10. The crowd irrupt from the stadium when their team won the championship.
11. The adrenaline made my heart irrupt from my chest.
12. The flowers irrupt from the soil, signaling the arrival of spring.
13. The ants irrupt from the anthill, going about their daily routine.
14. The workers irrupt from the factory at the end of the day.
15. The students irrupt from the classroom when the bell rings.
16. Large bubbles irrupt from the pot as the soup simmers.
17. Ships irrupt from the harbor, ready to set sail.
18. Wolves irrupt from the forest, hunting for prey.
19. Smoke irrupts from the cigarette as he takes a long drag.
20. The fireworks irrupt from the sky, lighting up the night.
21. Confetti irrupts from the cannon, marking the end of the parade.
22. The unexpected news made emotions irrupt from within her.
23. The swarm of bees irrupts from the hive, fiercely protecting their queen.
24. The athletes irrupt from the starting point, sprinting towards the finish line.
25. The toaster makes the bread irrupt from its slots when it's done.
26. The sound of thunder makes the dog irrupt from under the bed.
27. A loud sneeze makes tissue irrupt from the box.
28. The trapdoor suddenly irrupts from the ground, revealing the secret room.
29. The eruption of cheers irrupt from the crowd as the band takes the stage.
30. The superhero irrupts from the scene, saving the day.

Common Phases

1. The birds suddenly irrupt from their nests;
2. The students irrupt from the classroom when the bell rings;
3. The water in the kettle irrupts from the tap;
4. The dogs irrupt from the kennel when they hear their owner's voice;
5. The lava irrupts from the volcano during an eruption;
6. The ideas irrupt from his mind as he writes his novel;
7. The laughter irrupts from the audience during the comedian's performance;
8. The emotions irrupt from her as she receives the news of her promotion;
9. The army tanks irrupt from the barracks during a military parade;
10. The passengers irrupt from the train when it arrives at the station.

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