Iterables example sentences

Related (8): lists, tuples, strings, sets, dictionaries, arrays, generators, iterators

"Iterables" Example Sentences

1. I need to create an iterable of all the months in a year.
2. The range() function returns an iterable sequence of numbers.
3. Python's built-in zip() function takes two or more iterables and combines them.
4. For loops are used to iterate over iterable objects.
5. A dictionary is an iterable object that contains key-value pairs.
6. The sorted() function takes an iterable as its argument and returns a sorted list.
7. A set is an iterable that contains a collection of unique elements.
8. The map() function applies a function to each item in an iterable.
9. A generator function is used to create iterable generator objects.
10. The enumerate() function takes an iterable and returns a tuple with an index and value for each item.
11. A string is an iterable object that contains a sequence of individual characters.
12. A comprehension is a concise way of creating a list, set, or dictionary from an iterable.
13. The reduce() function takes an iterable and applies a function that reduces it to a single value.
14. A tuple is an iterable object that is immutable and ordered.
15. The filter() function takes an iterable and returns an iterator that contains only the elements that meet the specified condition.
16. The max() function returns the largest element in an iterable.
17. A slice object is used to select a subset of elements from an iterable.
18. The reversed() function returns an iterator that goes through an iterable in reverse order.
19. A file object in Python is an iterable that contains lines of text.
20. The all() function returns True if all elements in an iterable are true, otherwise False.
21. A sequence is a type of iterable that contains a specific order of elements.
22. The any() function returns True if any element in an iterable is true, otherwise False.
23. The itertools module in Python provides a variety of iterable-related functions.
24. A range object is an iterable that contains a sequence of numbers between a start and end point.
25. The zip_longest() function in the itertools module combines iterables of differing lengths.
26. A list is an iterable object that is mutable and ordered.
27. The chain() function in the itertools module combines multiple iterables into one.
28. A deque is an iterable object that is optimized for adding and removing elements from both ends.
29. The islice() function in the itertools module returns a specific slice of elements from an iterable.
30. A defaultdict is a type of dictionary that provides a default value for nonexistent keys and is iterable.

Common Phases

1. Iterating over a list;
2. Enumerating a dictionary;
3. Using a for loop to iterate over a string;
4. Filtering a list using a comprehension;
5. Sorting a list using the sorted function;
6. Using the zip function to combine iterables;
7. Reversing an iterable using the reversed function;
8. Concatenating multiple iterables using the chain function from itertools module;
9. Using the islice function from itertools to slice an iterable;
10. Mapping a function onto an iterable using the map function.

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