"Jaguara" Example Sentences
1. The jaguara roamed freely through the jungle.
2. Don't go near the jaguara, it's very dangerous.
3. The jaguara was a rare sight for the tourists.
4. I hope we don't come across a jaguara on our hike.
5. The jaguara's fur was sleek and beautiful.
6. The hunters were after the jaguara for its pelts.
7. The jaguara's roar echoed through the forest.
8. The jaguara's eyes glowed in the darkness.
9. I saw a jaguara in the zoo last week.
10. The indigenous people revered the jaguara as a sacred animal.
11. The jaguara's habitat is being destroyed by deforestation.
12. Jaguars are also known as jaguaras in some regions.
13. The jaguara's powerful jaws can crush bones effortlessly.
14. The jaguara is an apex predator in the food chain.
15. The jaguara's stealthy movements make it a formidable hunter.
16. The jaguara's natural prey includes monkeys and sloths.
17. The jaguara's population is declining due to human activity.
18. The jaguara's teeth are designed for slicing through flesh.
19. The jaguara is a symbol of strength and power in many cultures.
20. The jaguara's coat can range from tan to black depending on the region.
21. The jaguara is a part of the big cat family.
22. Spotting a jaguara in the wild is a rare privilege.
23. The jaguara's habitat is being protected by conservation efforts.
24. The jaguara's roar can be heard up to two miles away.
25. The jaguara's eyesight is six times better than humans.
26. The jaguara is often hunted for its supposed medicinal properties.
27. The jaguara is an essential part of the ecosystem in many areas.
28. The fur of a jaguara can fetch a high price on the black market.
29. If you encounter a jaguara, it's best to back away slowly.
30. The jaguara is a native species of the Americas.
Common Phases
Jaguara is a Brazilian word that does not have a direct English translation. It can be used in various contexts to express different emotions or states of being.
1. Eu estou
jaguara hoje; I'm feeling lazy today.
2. Ela estava totalmente
jaguara durante a festa; She was completely wasted during the party.
3. Eu preciso de um dia
jaguara para relaxar; I need a lazy day to unwind.
4. Ele ficou
jaguara depois de beber demais; He got lazy after drinking too much.
5. A casa estava uma bagunça porque ele estava
jaguara demais; The house was a mess because he was too lazy.
Note: These are spoken phrases and may not follow proper grammar rules.