Jalousies example sentences

Related (4): blinds, shades, louvers, shutters

"Jalousies" Example Sentences

1. The jalousies on the windows allowed a small breeze to enter the stuffy room.
2. She adjusted the jalousies to block out the bright sunlight.
3. The jalousies rattled in the wind, making an eerie sound.
4. The old house had beautiful wooden jalousies that added to its charm.
5. The boy peeked out from behind the jalousies, watching the street below.
6. The jalousies were covered in thick layers of dust that hadn't been cleaned in years.
7. The jalousies on the balcony provided privacy while still allowing a view of the ocean.
8. The jalousies had intricate designs etched into the glass.
9. She closed the jalousies tightly to keep out the sound of the traffic.
10. The jalousies clattered loudly as the storm approached.
11. The jalousies were the only thing keeping the mosquitos from entering the room.
12. The jalousies were painted a cheerful shade of blue to match the beach house decor.
13. The jalousies shook with excitement as the parade passed by.
14. He hid behind the jalousies, afraid to be seen by the person outside.
15. The jalousies had been recently replaced, no longer letting in any drafts.
16. She twisted the jalousies to control the amount of light in the room.
17. The jalousies added a touch of elegance to the small cottage.
18. The jalousies rattled violently as the hurricane hit the coast.
19. She glanced out the jalousies, admiring the view while sipping her coffee.
20. The jalousies were frosted, giving the room a sense of privacy.
21. He nervously fiddled with the jalousies, trying to get them to close properly.
22. The jalousies on the porch creaked with age as she opened them to let in the morning sun.
23. She closed the jalousies quickly, not wanting anyone to see her crying.
24. The jalousies were decorated with colorful beads that shook when any wind blew.
25. The jalousies on the balcony were broken, making the apartment feel even more rundown.
26. He stared out the jalousies, lost in thought about what to do next.
27. The jalousies had a narrow design, allowing for more sunlight to filter into the room.
28. The jalousies on the French doors made a soft clicking sound as she closed them for the night.
29. She loved how the sunlight danced through the jalousies, creating playful shadows on the wall.
30. The jalousies provided a perfect hiding spot for the cat, who watched the world go by outside.

Common Phases

1. She peered through the jalousies, hoping to catch a glimpse of her neighbor.
2. The jalousies rattled in the wind, making an eerie sound in the quiet room.
3. He adjusted the angle of the jalousies, trying to block out the bright sunlight.
4. The thief slipped a hand through the jalousies, trying to unlatch the window.
5. She cleaned the jalousies diligently, removing all the accumulated grime and dust.
6. The jalousies provided a cool breeze, keeping the room comfortable in the summer heat.
7. He cursed the jalousies, struggling to fix the broken slats that refused to stay in place.
8. The jalousies framed a picturesque view of the garden, attracting the attention of visitors.

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