Jangled example sentences
Related (7): Jangling, dissonant, clanging, cacophonous, raucous, grating, discordant.
jangled (past tense) · jangled (past participle)
- make or cause to make a ringing metallic sound, typically a discordant one:
- (with reference to nerves) set on edge:
clank, clink, jingle, tinkle, ding, ping, clang, clash, clatter, rattle, vibrate, ring, chime, irritate, disturb, assault, fray, rasp, shred, test, rattle, here"Jangled" Example Sentences
1. His keys jangled in his pocket as he walked.
2. The cowbells jangled around the goat's neck.
3. Her bracelets jangled as she gestured wildly.
4. The guns jangled at the soldiers' hips.
5. The dog tags jangled together as he walked.
6. The chains jangled as the prisoner shuffled by.
7. The alarm clock jangled annoyingly in the morning.
8. The wind chimes jangled in the breeze.
9. The keys on her keyring jangled noisily.
10. His nerves were jangled from the stressful day.
11. The rows of cymbals jangled together.
12. The charms on her charm bracelet jangled together.
13. The coins in his pocket jangled with each step.
14. The bridle reins jangled as the horse trotted along.
15. Her mind felt jangled and unfocused.
16. His thoughts were jangled and confused.
17. The ice in his drink jangled against the glass.
18. The cowbells jangled noisily around the cow's neck.
19. The beads on her bracelets jangled as she wrote.
20. The bells on the sleigh jangled merrily.
21. His frayed nerves were jangled and on edge.
22. The necklaces and earrings jangled in the jewelry box.
23. The tags on his dog's collar jangled as it ran.
24. The wind chimes jangled hauntingly in the night air.
25. The loose change in his pocket jangled with each step.
26. The dog's collar jangled as it chased after the ball.
27. The keys on her keyring jangled together familiarly.
28. The shop signs jangled noisily in the wind.
29. The bells on her ankles jangled as she danced.
30. The pager jangled insistently, interrupting his nap.
31. The various tools jangled together in his toolbox.
32. The milk cans jangled together on the delivery truck.
33. The horse's bridle jangled as it trotted alongside the wagon.
34. The wind made the cowbells jangle wildly.
35. The dinner plates jangled as he stacked them in the cupboard.
36. The bucket's bail jangled against the side.
37. His keys jangled together, betraying his nervousness.
38. The metal detector made her jewelry jangle and clink.
39. The orchestra began to jangle discordantly, out of tune.
40. The wind was making the wind chimes jangle frantically.
41. The many rows of bells began to jangle as the choir entered.
42. The necklace's charms jangled together as she walked.
43. The keys on the janitor's belt jangled as he went about his tasks.
44. The horse's tack jangled as it came to an abrupt stop.
45. The carriages jangled by noisily, kicking up dust.
46. The fireplace poker jangled against the grate as he stirred the logs.
47. The bits and bridles jangled in the tack room.
48. His nerves were left in a jangled mess by the bad news.
49. The air was filled with the jangling of cowbells, wind chimes and sleigh bells.
50. The cymbals jangled discordantly, out of time with the beat.
51. The cutlery drawer jangled as she searched for a spoon.
52. The keys to his many cabinets jangled together on his ring.
53. The frames on her glasses jangled together as she took them off.
54. The harmonies were off, notes jangling against each other.
55. His thoughts were jangled and confused after the traumatic event.
56. The pots and pans in the drawer jangled together.
57. Her many bangles and bracelets jangled pleasantly as she moved.
58. The horse's bit and bridle jangled as it snorted impatiently.
59. The wind made the earring charms jangle against each other.
60. The tambourines began to jangle out of time with the beat.
Common Phases
1. Jangled nerves- feeling nervous or anxious with jittery or unsteady nerves. "The upcoming exam left him with jangled nerves."
2. Jangled thoughts - having confused, interrupted, or disorganized thoughts. "The sudden noise caused her jangled thoughts to become unfocused."
3. His keys/change jangled in his pocket- A common phrase used to describe someone whose keys or loose change makes noise as they move.
4. The alarm clock jangled annoyingly - A common phrase used to describe an alarm clock that makes a loud, ringing sound that seems irritating.
5. The wind chimes jangled in the breeze - A common phrase used to describe wind chimes that make a ringing sound as they are blown by the wind.
6. The dog tags jangled together - A common phrase describing military identification tags attached to a soldier's dog tag chain that make a clinking sound as they bump against each other.
7. Her bracelets jangled as she gestured - A common phrase used to describe bracelets making a clinking sound due to someone moving their arm or hand rapidly.
8. His mind felt jangled - A common phrase describing someone feeling mentally confused, disorganized, or scattered.
9. The notes jangled against each other - A common phrase describing musical notes that clash and create a discordant sound due to being played incorrectly.
10. The cymbals jangled - A common phrase describing cymbals making a loud, clashing noise when struck together.
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