Jefferson example sentences

Related (7): Monticello, Virginia, President, Revolution, America, Constitution, Liberty

"Jefferson" Example Sentences

1. "Jefferson" was the third President of the United States.
2. "Jefferson" was a strong advocate of state rights.
3. The "Jefferson" Memorial stands in Washington, D.C.
4. "Jefferson" was a major influence on the writing of the Declaration of Independence.
5. "Jefferson" was a great believer in the power of education.
6. "Jefferson" was an early proponent of religious freedom.
7. "Jefferson" was a strong advocate of the separation of church and state.
8. "Jefferson" was a noted architect and designed his own home, Monticello.
9. "Jefferson" was a great lover of books and had a large library.
10. "Jefferson" was an avid gardener and kept a detailed garden journal.
11. "Jefferson" was a passionate advocate of the rights of Native Americans.
12. "Jefferson" was an early believer in the importance of a free press.
13. "Jefferson" was a great believer in the importance of the rule of law.
14. "Jefferson" was a strong proponent of the idea of a limited government.
15. "Jefferson" was a great champion of individual liberty and the rights of citizens.
16. "Jefferson" was a great believer in the power of the people to shape their own destiny.
17. "Jefferson" was a major proponent of the concept of the separation of powers.
18. "Jefferson" was a great believer in the power of the written word.
19. "Jefferson" was an advocate of a strong national defense and supported the building of a navy.
20. "Jefferson" was a major proponent of the idea of a federal system of government.
21. "Jefferson" was a great believer in the power of the judiciary to protect the rights of citizens.
22. "Jefferson" was a strong advocate of the idea of free trade and open markets.
23. "Jefferson" was a great believer in the importance of a strong economy.
24. "Jefferson" was a passionate advocate of the rights of women.
25. "Jefferson" was a great believer in the power of the individual to make a difference.
26. "Jefferson" was a major proponent of the idea of a Bill of Rights.
27. "Jefferson" was a great believer in the power of the people to shape their own destiny.
28. "Jefferson" was a passionate advocate of the right of citizens to bear arms.
29. "Jefferson" was a great believer in the power of the people to create their own government.
30. "Jefferson" was a strong supporter of the idea of freedom of speech.
31. "Jefferson" was a major proponent of the idea of a republican form of government.
32. "Jefferson" was a great believer in the importance of a strong and independent judiciary.
33. "Jefferson" was a passionate advocate of the right of citizens to petition the government.
34. "Jefferson" was a great believer in the power of the people to influence the government.
35. "Jefferson" was a strong proponent of the idea of a free and open press.
36. "Jefferson" was a great believer in the importance of a fair and impartial judiciary.
37. "Jefferson" was a passionate advocate of the right of citizens to assemble and protest peacefully.
38. "Jefferson" was a great believer in the power of education to improve the lives of citizens.
39. "Jefferson" was a major proponent of the idea of a free and independent nation.
40. "Jefferson" was a passionate advocate of the right of citizens to vote and participate in government.

Common Phases

Declaration of Independence; Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom; Louisiana Purchase; Presidency of Thomas Jefferson; Battle of Yorktown.

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