Jettison example sentences
Related (4): abandon, discard, dump, relinquish
"Jettison" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. The astronauts had to jettison some unused fuel tanks before re-entering the earth's atmosphere.
2. They jettisoned all unnecessary cargo to lighten the load and increase their speed.
3. The sinking ship needed to jettison extra equipment and materials to stay afloat.
4. The overloaded boat was in danger of capsizing, so they had to jettison some of their catch.
5. The balloonist quickly jettisoned some of his sandbags to gain enough altitude to clear the rooftops.
6. The captain ordered the excess weapons to be jettisoned before the ship crossed into neutral waters.
7. The plane had to jettison excess fuel before attempting an emergency landing.
8. They had to jettison many of their possessions before fleeing the country.
9. The overburdened mule had to jettison some of the supplies before it could continue up the mountain trail.
10. The climbers jettisoned any nonessential gear to lighten their packs for the ascent.
11. The fire on the boat forced the crew to jettison cargo in order to escape.
12. They decided to jettison their old, outdated beliefs and adopt new ways of thinking.
13. The company chose to jettison failing products and refocus their efforts on more promising lines.
14. The campaign decided to jettison unpopular policies and focus on more winning issues.
15. He jettisoned unprofitable clients to focus his energies on more lucrative accounts.
16. The thrifty shopper jettisoned unnecessary expenditures to stay within her tight budget.
17. The writers jettisoned extraneous characters and subplots to streamline the story.
18. The confident CEO decided to jettison underperforming executives to re-energize the company.
19. The revolutionary movement jettisoned revolutionary sentiment in favor of practical reform.
20. The jet pilot executed a rapid barrel roll to jettison his unwanted passenger.
21. They jettisoned the damaged life raft to avoid being dragged down with it.
22. The overcrowded prison has been forced to jettison prisoners due to lack of space.
23. The ship's gunner jettisoned the empty shell casings after each volley.
24. The man jettisoned his unhealthy habits and adopted a new, more disciplined lifestyle.
25. The diver had to jettison his heavy weight belt before surfacing.
26. The professor decided to jettison several chapters of his book to meet the publisher's word count.
27. The start-up company had to jettison some unpromising projects in order to focus on the more viable ones.
28. Some rioters chose to jettison the stones rather than face arrest.
29. When surrendering to authorities, combatants often jettison their weapons.
30. The soloist jettisoned her sheet music once she had memorized the piece perfectly.
31. The puffer fish jettisons water from its body to increase its apparent size when threatened.
32. The CEO decided to jettison outdated policies and implement a new vision for the company.
33. The revolutionary army had to jettison its heavy equipment to escape across the border.
34. The overloaded mule suddenly jettisoned its extra cargo off the mountainside.
35. The pilot jettisoned the empty fuel tanks once their contents had been exhausted.
36. The ship's quartermaster insisted on jettisoning excess food and water before landing.
37. The diver had to jettison unnecessary weight to avoid going too deep.
38. The businessman decided to jettison nonessential social commitments to focus on work.
39. The surly teenager decided to jettison his goody two-shoes reputation and act rebellious instead.
40. The impatient thrill seeker jettisoned caution and common sense in his quest for adventure.
41. The overloaded spaceship had to jettison tons of excess equipment just to stay aloft.
42. The team decided to jettison low-scoring players and recruit new talent instead.
43. The fugitive chose to jettison his old identity and adopt a new name.
44. They quickly jettisoned their extra supplies to escape the avalanche.
45. As a last resort, the sinking boat jettisoned ballast to achieve positive buoyancy.
46. The test pilot jettisoned the failed prototype and returned to the airfield.
47. Early explorers often had to jettison gear to remain light enough to survive the journey.
48. The hot air balloonist had to jettison passengers in order to obtain enough lift.
49. The writer chose to jettison superfluous details and focus on the core story.
50. The senator decided to jettison unpopular policies to shore up voter support.
51. The fighter jet quickly jettisoned its external fuel tanks once they had been emptied.
52. The coach decided to jettison players who failed to meet performance standards.
53. The CEO jettisoned outdated management policies and instituted new, progressive reforms.
54. The hunters jettisoned their heavy backpacks to climb the mountain faster.
55. The miserly uncle jettisoned his generous proclivities to keep his riches for himself.
56. After the infection set in, the crew had to jettison the afflicted limbs to avoid amputation.
57. The band decided to jettison its original songs in favor of more popular cover tunes.
58. The balloonist had to jettison unnecessary weight to achieve sufficient altitude.
59. The children jettisoned their crutches and prosthetics once the game of pirates began.
60. Investors began to jettison stock in the troubled company as bad news mounted.