Jibe example sentences

Related (10): agreement, consonance, accord, consistency, harmony, concurrence, alignment, conformity, correspondence, coherence

"Jibe" Example Sentences

1. The story her friend told did not jibe with what she had heard.
2. His explanation did not jibe with the evidence we found.
3. The data just doesn't jibe with my observations.
4. His story jibes perfectly with the facts we know.
5. The witness testimony does not jibe.
6. His alibi does not jibe with the timeline of events.
7. Her version of events does not jibe with mine at all.
8. The facts just do not jibe with the theory.
9. Their accounts did not jibe on key details.
10. The facts do not jibe with his claim of innocence.
11. Something did not jibe about his story.
12. The suspect's story failed to jibe with that of the witnesses.
13. The data jibes well with existing research.
14. His story simply does not jibe with reality.
15. Their stories jibed on all the important details.
16. Nothing in his story jibed with common sense.
17. The numbers just do not jibe with the budget projections.
18. His claim does not jibe with the evidence that was found.
19. His explanation did not jibe at all.
20. Their stories jibe to support a solid alibi.
21. The budget figures just do not jibe.
22. The stock market trends do not jibe with economic theory.
23. Their stories jibed perfectly.
24. The theory does not jibe with established facts.
25. The experiment results did not jibe with previous findings.
26. The accounts jibe and corroborate each other.
27. The budget figures jibe exactly with our projections.
28. My sources claim do not jibe.
29. The suspect's story failed to jibe after further questioning.
30. His story just did not jibe no matter how he tried to explain it.
31. The facts simply do not jibe with the defendant's claim.
32. The numbers just do not jibe with reality.
33. The witness reports do not seem to jibe.
34. Nothing in his story jibed with logic or common sense.
35. The data jibes exactly with our hypothesis.
36. The numbers jibe perfectly to balance the budget.
37. Her explanation did not jibe with anything I knew to be true.
38. The data did not jibe with the premises of the model.
39. The stories did not jibe on critical points.
40. The theories just do not jibe with what we observe in nature.
41. Their stories jibe and corroborate each other perfectly.
42. The evidence does not jibe with the defendant's claims.
43. The budget projections failed to jibe with reality.
44. His explanation simply does not jibe at any point.
45. Their stories jibe perfectly to tell a coherent series of events.
46. The data simply does not jibe with the predictions.
47. The numbers failed to jibe at any point.
48. None of the witness testimonies seemed to jibe.
49. The numbers jibe exactly with what the graphs and charts show.
50. The trends simply do not jibe with the thesis of the argument.

Common Phases

1. His story doesn't jibe with the facts we know.
2. The witnesses' stories just don't jibe.
3. The manager's account of events just doesn't jibe with ours.
4. Those numbers don't jibe with the projections we received.
5. His attitude doesn't jibe with company policy.
6. That doesn't jibe with my recollection of events.
7. Her excuses just don't jibe with the evidence we have.
8. Your version of events simply doesn't jibe with mine.
9. The timelines just don't jibe.
10. His personality doesn't jibe well with the company culture.
11. Her story doesn't completely jibe with the timestamped security footage.
12. The facts just don't jibe with his narrative.
13. Her explanation simply doesn't jibe with what actually happened.
14. The witness testimony doesn't seem to jibe.
15. Their perspective just doesn't jibe with reality.
16. His theories don't jibe with established science.
17. The color schemes just don't jibe with each other.
18. His hobbies don't really jibe with his personality.
19. That argument just doesn't jibe with historical evidence.
20. Their needs and wants don't seem to jibe.
21. Your facts failed to jibe with my research.
22. Our visions for the future just don't jibe.
23. The information I've received doesn't jibe.
24. Their interests just don't jibe well.
25. Our schedules and plans just don't jibe.
26. His story failed to jibe with the evidence presented.
27. That theory simply doesn't jibe with what we actually observe.
28. I'm sorry, but that forecast just doesn't jibe with the data.
29. The wind and waves were jibing against us.
30. The conditions were not jibing in our favor.
31. We adjusted the sails to jibe with the wind.
32. The two leaders found that their goals no longer jibed.
33. The crew worked together to jibe the mainsail.
34. Opponents frequently disagreed and failed to jibe.
35. Their ambitions simply didn't jibe at the time.
36. They worked hard to make their visions jibe.
37. His comments didn't exactly jibe with political correctness.
38. His ideals and plans often failed to jibe with reality.
39. The colors and patterns didn't seem to jibe at all.
40. Their skill sets just didn't seem to jibe for this project.
41. The candidate's policies consistently failed to jibe.
42. The statistics simply refused to jibe for him.
43. Our personalities just didn't jibe very well.
44. Their strategies and intentions simply refused to jibe.
45. The facts and evidence just didn't seem to jibe.
46. His story repeatedly failed to jibe with the truth.
47. The information simply refused to jibe with her belief.
48. Their interests continually failed to jibe in any significant way.
49. The information sources just didn't seem to jibe.
50.Their perspectives and arguments continually failed to jibe.
51. The team worked together to jibe the mainsail with the wind direction.
52. Our interests and goals no longer jibed after the disagreement.
53. The new hire's skills did not jibe well with the company's needs.
54. The story and visual evidence simply did not jibe at all.
55. Their personalities and work styles just refused to jibe well.
56. The accounts of what happened simply failed to jibe.
57. The figures and statistics just didn't seem to jibe with reality.
58. Their facts and arguments continually failed to jibe.
59. The forecasts just didn't seem to jibe with the ground truth.
60. The candidate's words and platform consistently failed to jibe.

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