Joust example sentences

Related (10): tournament, lance, armor, knight, horse, shield, medieval, competition, combat, victory

"Joust" Example Sentences

1. The knights prepared to joust on their horses.
2. They jousted fiercely for the honor of the crown.
3. Lances were broken as the knights jousted in the tournament.
4. He was unseated from his horse after several jousts.
5. The nobility gathered to watch the knights joust.
6. Armor clanked as the jousters charged each other.
7. The winner of the joust would claim the prize.
8. She watched from the stands as the knights jousted.
9. The jousters entered the field on their caparisoned horses.
10. The knights lowered their lances and spurred their horses before they jousted.
11. They jousted for the favor of the fair maiden.
12. The heavy lances were intended to unseat opponents during jousts.
13. His skill at jousting earned him fame and fortune.
14. The cheering crowd egged on the jousters.
15. She had never seen knights joust before and was fascinated.
16. They jousted to prove who was the better knight.
17. The jousters donned helmets to protect their heads during the tilts.
18. The knights raised their visors before they jousted.
19. The duo jousted for hours without either being unseated.
20. The sound of splintering lances filled the air as the knights jousted.
21. They jousted on horseback with blunted lances.
22. Medieval knights frequently jousted as both sport and spectacle.
23. The winners of earlier jousts would face off in the final joust.
24. They jousted on foot with wooden swords.
25. The jousters clashed together violently during each tilt.
26. She dreamed of one day jousting alongside the noble knights.
27. The losing jouster was knocked from his horse during the tilt.
28. The jousters wore little armor for protection during their tilts.
29. Miniature knights on horseback jousted at the Renaissance fair.
30. Children jousted with toy swords and foam lances at the park.
31. The competitors jousted for the honor of representing their kingdom.
32. They jousted to determine who would claim the damsel's hand in marriage.
33. The knights jousted fiercely until only one remained undefeated.
34. The competitors jousted to win the title of champion.
35. The jousters clinked lances before beginning their tilt.
36. Foam-tipped lances were used for safe jousting at medieval festivals.
37. They jousted in a competition to determine the finest knight.
38. The hungry crowd cheered on the jousters at the tournament.
39. The knights jousted until they had unseated all opponents.
40. The jousters dueled to amuse the king and queen.
41. The competitors jousted on horseback wearing authentic medieval armor.
42. Sticks were used as lances for children jousting.
43. The knights jousted as part of the day's festivities.
44. Cardboard tubes jousted as make-believe lances.
45. They jousted fiercely but respectfully in the time-honored tradition.
46. Imaginary knights jousted fearlessly in the forest.
47. The losing jousters exited the field after being unhorsed.
48. Spectacular displays of jousting delighted the crowds at festivals.
49. Wooden swords were used in lieu of lances for foot jousting.
50. They jousted violently on horseback with sharpened lances.
51. The knights jousted bravely in shining armor for the entertainment of the king.
52. The contestants jousted fiercely but without malice.
53. The winners of previous jousts taunted weaker challengers.
54. The jousters clashed together in a noisy display of skill and strength.
55. The knights jousted with blunted lances for safety.
56. The victorious jousters received prizes and accolades.
57. The knights clashed courageously together in fierce but friendly jousting.
58. The competitors jousted on foot with wooden swords and shields.
59. The knights jousted aggressively in hopes of unseating their opponents.
60. The jousters approached each other fearlessly at full gallop.

Common Phases

jousting tournament - a competition of knights jousting on horseback
jousting lance - the long pole used by knights in a joust
jousting tilt - a single pass or clash between two knights jousting
verbatim joust - an argument or debate with competing word-for-word criticisms
jousting match - a competition between two knights jousting against each other
intellectual joust - a lively debate involving counterarguments and criticisms
jousting armor - the heavy armor worn by knights who jousted
jousting helmet - the helmet worn by knights to protect their head during a joust
take up the jousting gauntlet - to accept a challenge and enter a competition
drop one's jousting lance - to give up an argument or opposing position
friendly joust - an argument or competition done in a good-natured way
verbatim jousts - debates in which criticisms are exchanged word-for-word
jousting at windmills - attacking imaginary enemies or opponents
Common phrases with "joust" word in literature:
"Tilting at windmills" - from Don Quixote, meaning pursuing imaginary adversaries
"Fair exchange is no robbery" - jousting motto, meaning a fair competition benefits all
"He drops his lance" - indicating one gives up an argument or opposing standpoint
"Joining in the unequal joust" - taking part in an uneven or unfair competition or debate
So in summary, there are many common phrases associated with jousting that focus on competition, debate, arguments and challenges. I hope this list is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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