Judased example sentences

Related (6): Betrayed, deceived, backstabbed, treacherous, disloyal, traitorous.

"Judased" Example Sentences

1. She felt like she had been judased by her best friend.
2. The traitorous act of judasing someone is unforgivable.
3. He judased his sports team by secretly working with their opponents.
4. The company judased their loyal employees by laying them off without warning.
5. She couldn't believe she had been judased by her own sister.
6. His political opponents accused him of judasing his own party.
7. After being judased by her boyfriend, she swore off love forever.
8. He regretted having judased his business partner and losing their trust.
9. She felt like she had judased her family by keeping secrets from them.
10. The coach punished the player for judasing his teammates during practice.
11. The criminal judased his accomplices to get a reduced sentence.
12. She wondered if she would ever be able to trust anyone again after being judased by her ex-husband.
13. The spy was worried he would be judased by his handlers if he made a mistake.
14. The politician was accused of judasing his constituents by voting against their interests.
15. It was a shock to everyone when the CEO was found to have judased the entire company.
16. She realized too late that she had judased her own principles by compromising for the sake of money.
17. The politician was known for judasing his allies as soon as they no longer served his interests.
18. The team was devastated when they found out that one of their own had judased them to the media.
19. She couldn't believe her own daughter had judased her to her ex-husband during their divorce proceedings.
20. The spy knew that if he got caught, he would likely be judased by his captors to reveal classified information.
21. The witness was in fear of being judased if he testified against the powerful crime boss.
22. The employee felt betrayed when he was judased by his supervisor for a promotion.
23. The prince was afraid he would be judased by his own advisors if he didn't heed their advice.
24. She was worried that her best friend would judas her secret to the entire school.
25. The whistleblower knew that he would be judased by his employers if he spoke out against their unethical practices.
26. The athlete was caught judasing his competitors by sabotaging their equipment.
27. She suspected that her boyfriend was going to judas her when he started acting suspiciously.
28. The criminal gang was known for judasing their members who didn't follow their rules.
29. She couldn't believe they judased her offer to help and instead chose to suffer through it alone.
30. The bishop was accused of judasing his own religion by performing illegal acts.

Common Phases

not trust that person; they totally judased me.
I can't believe they judased their own friends for money.
Be careful around him; he's been known to judas people before.
She's always willing to judas others to get ahead in her career.
He judased the team by giving away their playbook to their opponents.
I never thought she'd judas me like this; we've been friends for years.
He's acting like he's on our side, but I have a feeling he'll eventually judas us.
Don't be surprised if he judases you; he's done it to plenty of others before.
I thought I could trust him, but he ended up judasing me in the end.
She judased her family to escape punishment for her crimes.

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