Judder example sentences
Related (6): vibration, shudder, jerk, tremble, rattle, quiver
"Judder" Example Sentences
1. The train juddered to a halt at the station.
2. The old car juddered and shook as it struggled up the hill.
3. The plane shuddered and juddered as it hit the air pocket.
4. The bus juddered along the pot-holed road, making the passengers uncomfortable.
5. The elevator juddered and shook as it made its way up the shaft.
6. The windows juddered in their frames as the storm winds buffeted the house.
7. The boat juddered and rocked as it was hit by waves.
8. The motorbike juddered and coughed as it struggled to start.
9. The camera juddered as I tried to take a photo while running.
10. The cheap printer juddered and sputtered as it tried to print the document.
11. The washing machine juddered and vibrated during the spin cycle.
12. The old car juddered noisily every time I pressed the accelerator.
13. The projector juddered and stuttered as it tried to play the broken film reel.
14. The baby carriage juddered and shook over the uneven pavement.
15. The scaffolding juddered alarmingly in the high winds.
16. The desk violently juddered as the machine underneath vibrated.
17. The building juddered from the impact of the blast.
18. The branches juddered furiously in the storm.
19. His voice juddered with emotion as he told the story.
20. The floor juddered beneath our feet as the machines worked deep below.
21. The car lights juddered and flickered as the wires were loose.
22. The ground juddered as the earthquake hit.
23. Her hand juddered as she tried to draw the straight line.
24. The plastic chair juddered on its unstable legs.
25. The mirror juddered on the wall, threatening to fall.
26. His shoulders juddered with silent sobs.
27. His whole body juddered with cold.
28. The ice cream juddered in the cup as the child ran with it.
29. The camera lens juddered as I tried to take a photo while laughing.
30. The corridor juddered alarmingly as the train passed underneath.
31. The earth juddered with the force of the impact.
32. The trees juddered violently in the force 10 gales.
33. The knife juddered in his shaking hand.
34. The broad blade of grass juddered in the breeze.
35. The arrow juddered to a halt in the bullseye.
36. The sail juddered and flapped noisily in the wind.
37. The package juddered along the conveyor belt.
38. The screen juddered and blurred as the film reached its damaged part.
39. The blade juddered back and forth as the saw struggled with the wood.
40. His voice juddered with barely contained rage.
41. The ladder juddered alarmingly as he climbed it.
42. The skis juddered across the bumpy powder.
43. The hammock juddered and swayed dangerously from its moorings.
44. The cliff face juddered and crumbled, showering rocks down below.
45. The branch juddered wildly in the gale.
46. The pedestal juddered slightly as the child climbed on it.
47. The voice in the radio juddered and crackled with static.
48. The swings juddered to a halt in the sand.
49. The rope bridge juddered alarmingly as people crossed it.
50. The curtains juddered on their rails.
51. The bungee rope juddered taut as the jumper bounced up and down.
52. The car juddered and shook as it crawled through the potholes.
53. The leaves juddered frantically in the wind.
54. The notes juddered and shook as he played the emotional piece.
55. His lower lip juddered with tension.
56. The fan juddered and wobbled on its loose moorings.
57. The pen juddered across the page as he wrote furiously.
58. The balloon juddered and bounced in the gusty wind.
59. The floor juddered as heavy footsteps passed by.
60. The chimney juddered ominously in the storm.
Common Phases
1. The bus juddered along the bumpy dirt road.
2. As the train pulled away from the station, it juddered and shook.
3. The wooden rollercoaster began to judder slowly up the first hill.
4. The old truck juddered and backfired as it struggled up the steep driveway.
5. The plane juddered from turbulence as we flew through the storm clouds.
6. The car juddered and jolted its way along the potholed street.
7. The treadmill juddered and vibrated as I increased the speed.
8. The chair juddered and shook as the dentist drilled my tooth.
9. The engine juddered and sputtered before finally catching.
10. The elevator juddered and came to a lurching halt between floors.
11. The rickety old chair juddered and wobbled beneath him.
12. The bridge juddered and swayed with the heavy footfall of the battalion marching over it.
13. His hands juddered as he tried to hold the glass steady.
14. The floor juddered beneath my feet as the explosion rocked the building.
15. The entire airframe juddered and shook during the violent turbulence.
16. The wooden staircase juddered and wobbled as they ran down it.
17. Her voice juddered with emotion as she told the tragic story.
18. The floating dock juddered against the pier as waves crashed against it.
19. The entire room juddered as the bomb went off in the city center.
20. The earth juddered and trembled during the powerful earthquake.
21. The windows juddered in their frames from the force of the wind.
22. The floor juddered as the heavy bass from the speakers shook the room.
23. His whole body juddered with fear and dread as he faced his final exam.
24. The dilapidated boat juddered its way over the choppy waves.
25. The table juddered across the floor with every heavy footstep upstairs.
26. The old bed frame juddered and rattled as they jumped up and down on it.
27. The faulty engine caused the whole car to judder and vibrate unpleasantly.
28. Her voice juddered as she recounted the terrifying ordeal.
29. The entire building juddered as the explosion rocked the city.
30. The helicopter blades juddered and created a fierce wind as it landed.
31. Her thin frame juddered with barely suppressed emotion.
32. The entire festival site juddered with the bass from the DJ's speakers.
33. The building juddered as the aftershock from the earthquake hit.
34. His whole body juddered with the violence of his sobs.
35. The decrepit old sign post juddered and shook in the strong wind.
36. The rough road surface caused the entire car to judder and shake.
37. The tatty old sofa juddered as he jumped on it.
38. The ground juddered from the impact of the falling girders.
39. His hands juddered as he tried to light his cigarette.
40. Leaves juddered and shook on the trees in the strong gusts of wind.
41. The rollercoaster carriage juddered violently as it reached the peak.
42. The glass juddered in the window frame as the explosion rocked the building.
43. His whole body juddered with nervous energy as he waited for his exam results.
44. The suspension bridge juddered and swayed alarmingly in the high winds.
45. The walls juddered from the bass of the loud music.
46. Her legs juddered with fatigue after the long walk.
47. The fragile boat juddered and jerked its way across the rough water.
48. The building juddered as the aftershocks from the earthquake continued.
49. The motorbike juddered and vibrated between his legs.
50. The pictures on the wall juddered and shook from the loud music next door.
51. His thin frame juddered with suppressed emotion.
52. The rickety old bed juddered and rattled beneath their weight.
53. The windows juddered as the wind buffeted the building.
54. His entire body juddered with fear as he spoke to the crowd.
55. The old chair juddered and wobbled beneath his weight.
56. Her voice juddered with emotion as she spoke of her childhood memories.
57. The ground juddered beneath their feet as the bomb exploded.
58. The entire building juddered from the impact of the blast.
59. His whole body juddered violently as the fever took hold.
60. The cot juddered and shook as they jumped on it.