Katzenjammer example sentences
Related (8): Misery, hangover, remorse, disarray, chaos, confusion, regret, anguish.
noun US ENGLISH informal dated
katzenjammer (noun) · katzenjammers (plural noun)
- confusion; uproar.
- a hangover; a severe headache resulting from a hangover.
Legal"Katzenjammer" Example Sentences
"Katzenjammer" is a German word meaning a bad hangover or general state of misery and unease.1. After drinking all night, I woke up with a terrible katzenjammer.
2. The end of the party left guests with a collective katzenjammer and longing for more alcohol.
3. The morning after overindulging in rich food and wine, he woke up feeling as if he had a katzenjammer.
4. The katzenjammer of the night before was enough to put him off drinking for a while.
5. The stock market crash left investors with a deep sense of katzenjammer and financial loss.
6. With a splitting headache and queasy stomach, he nursed his katzenjammer all morning.
7. The political defeat caused a katzenjammer of gloom and despair within the party ranks.
8. The team's loss cast a pall of katzenjammer over the normally boisterous supporters.
9. The holiday season ended, leaving shoppers with a sense of katzenjammer and seasonal affective disorder.
10. There was an air of katzenjammer throughout the office after layoffs were announced.
11. The cold light of day revealed the cost of their revelry and left them with a katzenjammer.
12. A pall of katzenjammer hung over the partygoers as they surveyed the mess they had made.
13. Christmas morning elicited groans and katzenjammer from children disappointed with their gifts.
14. Breaking up left her with an inconsolable katzenjammer and longing for her ex.
15. He celebrated the new year with such abandon that he awoke with a dreadful katzenjammer.
16. After the victory celebrations died down, a katzenjammer of uncertainty set in.
17. The wedding day euphoria gave way to a katzenjammer of reality when they returned from their honeymoon.
18. Withdrawal from drugs left him in a state of katzenjammer and despondency.
19. His attempts to stay up all night resulted in a painful katzenjammer the next day.
20. The spirit of katzenjammer pervaded the city after the natural disaster.
21. The end of summer always left her with a melancholy katzenjammer and longing for warm weather.
22. The crash left victims with injuries and a katzenjammer of uncertainty about the future.
23. The festival ended, leaving revelers with katzenjammer and nausea from overindulging.
24. Her birthday presents were disappointing, leaving her with a distinct katzenjammer.
25. The morning after the party, everyone awoke with a collective katzenjammer and regret.
26. Midlife crises often result in a katzenjammer of ennui and regret about lost youth.
27. The failure of his plans cast him into a katzenjammer of hopelessness.
28. The joyful reunion turned to katzenjammer when they realized how much had changed.
29. Memories of that relationship still evoke a katzenjammer of disappointment and sadness.
30. The worn-out feeling and nausea of a katzenjammer prevented him from working that day.
31. Witnessing the accident left them with a lasting katzenjammer and trauma.
32. The residents complained about a sense of katzenjammer and depression after the plant closed.
33. Her student loans brought with them a katzenjammer of adulthood and responsibility.
34. The breakup left her with a festering katzenjammer that resurfaced at every romantic sight.
35. After years of struggle, the success left him with a baffling katzenjammer of inadequacy.
36. The guests left the party with a katzenjammer of exhaustion and regret over wasted time.
37. Memories of his last job still elicited a katzenjammer of stress and disillusionment.
38. With the end of summer nearby, a katzenjammer of reality crept back into their vacation paradise.
39. The routine of daily life soon replaced the katzenjammer that accompanied the sorrow of loss.
40. Their high hopes dissolved into a katzenjammer of disillusionment when the plan failed.
41. The charity work left her with mixed feelings - both joy and a katzenjammer of hopeless injustice.
42. The harsh winter cast a pall of katzenjammer throughout the gloomy city.
43. The realization that he was aging brought about a sense of katzenjammer and despair.
44. Their reunion was marred by a lingering katzenjammer over what had gone wrong in the past.
45. The loss of innocence left him with an indelible katzenjammer of nostalgia and regret.
46. The festive atmosphere turned to katzenjammer when confetti rained on broken dreams.
47. The katzenjammer of heartbreak drove him to drink in excess.
48. The sobering news brought with it a katzenjammer of grim reality.
49. His mother's death left him with a katzenjammer that only time could heal.
50. The end of vacation cast them into a katzenjammer of workaday drudgery and boredom.
Common Phases
1. I had a splitting katzenjammer from all the drinks last night.
2. The katzenjammer of a vicious hangover made him regret every beer he had consumed the night before.
3. My shrill katzenjammer this morning caused my roommates to vacate the apartment.
4. Waking up on the couch with a pounding head and churning stomach, Steven realized the katzenjammer of a long night of drinking had caught up to him.
5. The katzenjammer of their drummer made it impossible for the band to practice that morning.
6. Their raucous celebration lasted well into the night, but the ensuing katzenjammer prevented any productivity the next day.
7. The katzenjammer pounding inside his head felt like a rhinoceros had taken up residence.
8. Miserable from the katzenjammer tormenting his aching head, he cursed himself for overindulging the night before.
9. The katzenjammer from the wine overpowered his senses, making him feel dizzy and nauseous.
10. The katzenjammer following their impromptu pub crawl left the friends barely able to climb out of bed.
11. The screeching katzenjammer made simple tasks like turning on the lights and making coffee excruciating.
12. After sleeping fitfully due to the katzenjammer gnawing at his brain, he finally crawled out of bed around noon.
13. With a raging katzenjammer splitting his temples, he vowed never to drink so excessively again.
14. The katzenjammer invoked by inebriation had rendered him useless that entire day.
15. Wallowing beneath the covers didn't help alleviate the katzenjammer tormenting his body any sooner.
16. Thankfully, sleep eventually reclaimed him, offering a brief escape from the blinding katzenjammer.
17. His katzenjammer knew no bounds that morning as he struggled to make it through even the simplest of tasks.
18. The symphony of katzenjammer reverberating inside his head made him curse his affinity for fine liquor.
19. With each pulse, the katzenjammer intensified, leaving him in a miserable daze.
20. Every loud noise inflamed his fierce katzenjammer, exacerbating his already ragged nerves.
21. No amount of coffee could silence the katzenjammer plaguing his aching head that morning.
22. The katzenjammer lifted slowly, giving him respite inch by torturous inch.
23. The piercing katzenjammer and bitter taste in his mouth served as a harsh reminder of how much he had overindulged the night before.
24. With bleary eyes and body racked by relentless katzenjammer, he finally crept out of bed well past noon.
25. He hoped the katzenjammer would pass soon so he could resume functioning like a normal human being.
26. His piercing katzenjammer drowned out any semblance of rational thought that morning.
27. The katzenjammer pounded mercilessly in his head, each throb worse than the last.
28. The katzenjammer emanating from his room the morning after their party elicited sympathy from his roommates.
29. After a night of excess, the katzenjammer tormenting him brought him to his knees.
30. The katzenjammer resulting from their late night revelry left them writhing in agony all morning.
31. His inebriated friends' raucous laughter seemed to exacerbate his already excruciating katzenjammer.
32. The katzenjammer poisoning his mind made him wonder if drinking was really worth it.
33. All he wanted was for this katzenjammer thundering inside his skull to subside.
34. His katzenjammer blunted every sense and ensured that his hangover lasted well into the afternoon.
35. The katzenjammer overwhelming his senses rendered him ineffective and unproductive all day.
36. The blaring katzenjammer consuming his mind made even pleasant memories of the night before difficult to recall.
37. His fierce katzenjammer rampaged through the apartment, signaling to all that he had enjoyed himself a little too much the night before.
38. The katzenjammer plaguing his mind made him wonder if his partying days were behind him for good.
39. Dark sunglasses did little to stave off the searing katzenjammer tormenting him that morning.
40. With each yawn, his katzenjammer intensified and any hope of productivity floated further from his grasp.
41. The katzenjammer echoing inside his skull made him think twice before indulging in so much revelry again.
42. After several cups of coffee and a hot shower, the screeching katzenjammer tormenting him finally began to subside.
43. The katzenjammer choking his senses slowly ebbed away, leaving him weary but functional once more.
44. His ruthless katzenjammer clawed mercilessly at his skull, ensuring a day of misery and regret.
45. The katzenjammer wreaking havoc inside his head dispelled any fond memories he had of the night's festivities.
46. The katzenjammer wrapped around his brain made him swear off merriment for the foreseeable future.
47. The katzenjammer threatening to split his skull open finally began to recede a few hours after waking.
48. As the blinding katzenjammer finally lifted, clarity and rational thought began to return.
49. The katzenjammer leaving him kneeling helplessly before the toilet finally relented after several hours of agony.
50. He rose from the wreckage of his hangover desperately hoping the katzenjammer would never return.
51. The katzenjammer deadening his senses slowly began to wane, bringing a glimmer of clarity and relief.
52. He emerged from his room after several hours, still weakened by the lingering katzenjammer.
53. The piercing katzenjammer and bitter taste flooding his mouth served as a cruel reminder of his excesses the evening before.
54. The katzenjammer seizing his mind finally began to loosen its grip around noon that day.
55. The katzenjammer left them in a state of physical and mental anguish for most of the day.
56. As the katzenjammer finally began to subside, he emerged from his self-imposed exile and rejoined the land of the living.
57. The devastating katzenjammer tormenting his head for most of the morning finally showed signs of retreating by afternoon.
58. The screeching katzenjammer choking his mind finally began to weaken around midday.
59. The katzenjammer plaguing them forced them to cancel their plans for the day and seek refuge in their beds.
60. When the searing katzenjammer finally faded, the memories of their revelry flooded back, triggering both laughter and regret.
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