Kibitzed example sentences

Related (10): chatted, gossiped, bantered, mingled, talked, conversed, joked, laughed, teased, ribbed.

"Kibitzed" Example Sentences

1. I never realized how much my father enjoyed kibitzing with his friends until we went to the park.
2. Sarah's uncle enjoys kibitzing with the other players at the chess tournament.
3. The old men at the park spent the afternoon kibitzing about their youth.
4. My grandfather likes to kibitz at the crossword puzzle table in the retirement home.
5. The comedians on stage were known for their kibitzing with the audience.
6. During the dinner party, the guests kibitzed about politics and religion.
7. The reporters were kibitzing outside the courthouse, waiting for the verdict.
8. After the movie, the group stood around kibitzing about the plot twists.
9. In the poker game, the players frequently kibitzed about the best strategy.
10. The spectators kibitzed from the bleachers at the football game.
11. The children at the schoolyard kibitzed about the upcoming summer break.
12. While waiting for their flight, the passengers kibitzed about their travels.
13. During the intermission, the theater patrons kibitzed about the acting performances.
14. The musicians enjoyed kibitzing with each other during their breaks.
15. The friends sat around kibitzing about their favorite celebrities.
16. The coworkers kibitzed about the upcoming company party.
17. In the bar, the patrons kibitzed about the latest sports scores.
18. The boys kibitzed at the arcade, trying to beat each other's high scores.
19. At the cafe, the patrons kibitzed about the local gossip.
20. The actors kibitzed backstage during their costume changes.
21. The golfers kibitzed about the tricky course and difficult shots.
22. The book club members kibitzed about their favorite authors and novels.
23. In the lecture hall, the students kibitzed about the professor's teaching style.
24. The shoppers kibitzed about the sales and discounts at the mall.
25. At the gym, the members kibitzed about their workout routines.
26. The chefs kibitzed in the kitchen, discussing the menu for the evening.
27. The coworkers kibitzed during their lunch break about their weekend plans.
28. The travelers kibitzed with the locals in the small town pub.
29. The card players kibitzed during the bridge game, trying to outsmart each other.
30. The comedians kibitzed in the green room before their stand-up performance.

Common Phases

1. We laughed and kibitzed about old times;
2. As we played cards, we kibitzed about strategy;
3. The group of friends kibitzed over cocktails at the bar;
4. While waiting in line, we kibitzed with the people around us;
5. My coworkers and I often kibitzed during our lunch breaks;
6. At family gatherings, we always end up kibitzing in the kitchen;
7. While watching a sports game, we kibitzed about the players' performances;
8. During the intermission, we kibitzed with other theater-goers;
9. As we cooked dinner together, we kibitzed about our favorite foods;
10. In between rounds, the chess players kibitzed about their moves.

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