Kidnapnoun example sentences

Related (10): abduction, hostage-taking, snatch, seize, capture, hijacking, plucking, shanghaiing, impressment, abduction

"Kidnapnoun" Example Sentences

1. The kidnappers demanded a ransom for the safe return of the hostage.
2. The police arrested the kidnapper before he could make his escape.
3. The family of the kidnapped girl was in a state of panic.
4. The kidnapper had a history of violent behavior.
5. The kidnapped victim was found unharmed by the authorities.
6. The kidnappers used a van to abduct the victim from the street.
7. The kidnapping was a meticulously planned operation.
8. The kidnapper threatened to harm the victim's family if a ransom was not paid.
9. The victim was held captive for several days before being released.
10. The kidnapper had a fake identity with which he deceived the victim.
11. Kidnapping is a serious crime that carries severe penalties.
12. The kidnapper was caught on surveillance cameras near the victim's home.
13. The victim's family received a ransom demand from the kidnapper.
14. The kidnapper was armed and dangerous, according to the police.
15. Kidnapping is a form of violence that traumatizes victims for years to come.
16. The kidnappers were eventually caught and brought to justice.
17. The victim's family was relieved when they were reunited with their loved one.
18. The kidnapper used a chloroform-laced cloth to incapacitate the victim.
19. The kidnapper had a criminal record for other violent offenses.
20. The victim was unharmed despite being held captive for a week.
21. The kidnappers were tracked down by the authorities using high-tech equipment.
22. The victim's family hired a private investigator to help find their loved one.
23. The kidnapper had been stalking the victim for weeks before the abduction.
24. The victim's family was traumatized by the ordeal and sought counseling.
25. The kidnapper had an accomplice who was also arrested by the police.
26. The victim's rescue was a result of a coordinated effort between law enforcement and private citizens.
27. The kidnapper was sentenced to life in prison for his crime.
28. The victim's family became advocates for better laws to prevent kidnapping.
29. The kidnapper had a history of mental illness and had not taken his medication.
30. The victim's family expressed their gratitude to everyone who helped bring their loved one home safely.

Common Phases

1. A kidnapping took place in the city last night; the victim has not been found yet.
2. The kidnapper demanded a ransom in exchange for the safe return of the child; the family is currently working with the authorities to resolve the situation.
3. The police believe that there may be a connection between this recent kidnapping and previous unsolved cases; they are intensifying their efforts to track down the culprit.
4. The kidnappers were apprehended by law enforcement after a high-speed chase; all of the hostages were safely rescued.
5. The child's parents are offering a substantial reward for any information leading to the arrest of the individual responsible for the kidnapping; they are desperate to have their child back home.

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