Kleptomaniacally example sentences

Related (7): stealing, theft, impulsivity, psychotherapy, medication, diagnosis, kleptomania.

"Kleptomaniacally" Example Sentences

1. She searched kleptomaniacally through every drawer in the house.
2. The shoplifter acted kleptomaniacally, taking items she didn't even need.
3. He kleptomaniacally hoarded pens from work.
4. The thief stole kleptomaniacally from the convenience store every week.
5. She kleptomaniacally pocketed a candy bar from the gas station.
6. The man's kleptomaniacal tendencies had been present since his childhood.
7. The kleptomaniacally-inclined individual struggles with the impulse to steal.
8. She felt guilt over her kleptomaniacal actions but couldn't seem to stop.
9. The kleptomaniacal behavior became too much for her to handle.
10. He acted kleptomaniacally even though he had a well-paying job.
11. The kleptomaniacally-inclined individual should seek help from a professional.
12. She felt empowered when kleptomaniacally taking items from the store.
13. The kleptomaniacal individual experienced a rush of excitement when stealing.
14. The teenager displayed kleptomaniacal tendencies, stealing items from friends and family.
15. The kleptomaniacally-inclined individual may be at risk for legal consequences.
16. She experienced an intense urge to act kleptomaniacally when in stressful situations.
17. The kleptomaniacal behavior became a source of shame and embarrassment for him.
18. She found herself kleptomaniacally stealing during times of financial stress.
19. The kleptomaniacally-inclined individual may struggle with impulsivity in other areas of their life.
20. He recognized his kleptomaniacal tendencies and sought therapy to address them.
21. The kleptomaniacal shoplifter was caught and faced legal repercussions.
22. She struggled to control her kleptomaniacal actions when around expensive jewelry.
23. The kleptomaniacal behavior worsened during times of substance abuse.
24. The kleptomaniacally-inclined individual may experience relief when seeking psychiatric treatment.
25. She experienced a sense of freedom when acting kleptomaniacally.
26. The kleptomaniacal thief felt no remorse for their actions.
27. He struggled to understand the root of his kleptomaniacal tendencies.
28. The kleptomaniacally-inclined individual may benefit from cognitive-behavioral therapy.
29. She tended to act kleptomaniacally when surrounded by high-end designer clothing.
30. The kleptomaniacal behavior had put a strain on her relationships.
31. The kleptomaniacally-inclined individual may struggle with addiction to stealing.
32. She felt kleptomaniacal urges even when she didn't need the item she was stealing.
33. The kleptomaniacal behavior was a symptom of an underlying mental health condition.
34. The kleptomaniacal thief was given a warning and community service for their crime.
35. She felt relief when she could act kleptomaniacally without getting caught.
36. The kleptomaniacally-inclined individual may experience a sense of power and control when stealing.
37. He struggled to resist the kleptomaniacal urge to take an expensive watch.
38. The kleptomaniacal behavior had disrupted her life and caused significant stress.
39. The kleptomaniacally-inclined individual may benefit from group therapy.
40. She recognized the negative impact of her kleptomaniacal behavior and sought professional help.

Common Phases

1. She kleptomaniacally snatched the pen from the table; took the stapler from her colleague's desk; and even swiped the paper clip dispenser when no one was looking.
2. The suspect kleptomaniacally grabbed the jewelry from the display case; quickly pocketed the cash from the register; and bolted out of the store.
3. He kleptomaniacally stole a piece of candy from the jar; then took a few more when no one was watching; and eventually emptied the entire container into his pocket.
4. The thief kleptomaniacally rifled through the dresser drawers; took the watch from the nightstand; and even swiped the wallet from the coat pocket.
5. She kleptomaniacally snagged the book from the library shelf; clandestinely pocketed the bookmark; and then slipped out of the building undetected.

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