Kleptomaniaccriminal example sentences

Related (7): theft, stealing, lawbreaker, offender, perpetrator, dishonesty, kleptomania

"Kleptomaniaccriminal" Example Sentences

1. The kleptomaniac criminal was caught stealing from the convenience store yet again.
2. The judge had no choice but to sentence the kleptomaniac criminal to jail for his repeated offenses.
3. The security guards were well aware of the kleptomaniac criminal's tendency to steal from their store.
4. The therapist tried to help the kleptomaniac criminal break his compulsive stealing habit.
5. Living with a kleptomaniac criminal can be challenging and frustrating.
6. The kleptomaniac criminal's family was ashamed of his behavior and wanted him to get help.
7. The kleptomaniac criminal's friends started to distance themselves from him because of his criminal behavior.
8. The kleptomaniac criminal stole from anyone who left their belongings unattended for even a few seconds.
9. The kleptomaniac criminal was finally caught thanks to the store's surveillance cameras.
10. The kleptomaniac criminal claimed that he couldn't control his urge to steal, even though he knew it was wrong.
11. The kleptomaniac criminal was known to steal not just for material gain, but for the thrill of it.
12. The kleptomaniac criminal's lawyer argued that he needed psychiatric treatment for his disorder.
13. The kleptomaniac criminal's sentence was reduced because of his mental condition.
14. The kleptomaniac criminal was often misunderstood and judged harshly by others.
15. The kleptomaniac criminal frequently stole small items that he didn't actually need.
16. The kleptomaniac criminal had been stealing since his teenage years.
17. The kleptomaniac criminal's family tried to intervene and get him help before it was too late.
18. The kleptomaniac criminal's neighbors were frightened of him and felt unsafe around him.
19. The kleptomaniac criminal's thefts became more frequent and daring as time went on.
20. The kleptomaniac criminal's criminal record made it difficult for him to find employment.
21. The kleptomaniac criminal's psychiatrist suggested medication to help him control his impulses.
22. The kleptomaniac criminal's girlfriend broke up with him because she couldn't handle his stealing addiction.
23. The kleptomaniac criminal's parents were devastated by their son's actions and prayed for him to get help.
24. The kleptomaniac criminal's lawyer argued that he was not a threat to society and deserved a second chance.
25. The kleptomaniac criminal's victims were often left feeling violated and vulnerable.
26. The kleptomaniac criminal's stealing habit was a source of shame and embarrassment for his family.
27. The kleptomaniac criminal's psychiatrist worked with him to understand the root causes of his disorder.
28. The kleptomaniac criminal's behavior worsened when he was under stress or feeling anxious.
29. The kleptomaniac criminal's therapist tried to teach him coping mechanisms to replace stealing as a way to deal with his emotions.
30. The kleptomaniac criminal's family hoped that he could overcome his disorder and lead a normal life.

Common Phases

not copy; stealing is illegal and wrong; I am not a thief; hands off my belongings; I would never resort to criminal behavior.

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