Knacker example sentences

"Knacker" Example Sentences

1. My grandfather once worked as a knacker, disposing of animal carcasses for a living.
2. The horse's racing career came to an end after it suffered a knackered leg.
3. I'm feeling absolutely knackered after running a 10k race today.
4. We can't use this old computer anymore, it's completely knackered.
5. The bike chain is knackered and needs to be replaced before we can ride it.
6. He tried to fix the broken vase, but it was too knackered to be salvaged.
7. My phone battery is so knackered I need to carry a charger with me wherever I go.
8. I think I might have knackered my ankle after falling down the stairs earlier.
9. The knacker came to collect the dead cow from the field.
10. Don't bother trying to fix that old lamp, it's knackered beyond repair.
11. I spent all day gardening yesterday and now I'm absolutely knackered.
12. After finishing the marathon, my legs felt like they were completely knackered.
13. The mechanic said the engine was completely knackered and needed to be replaced.
14. The door hinge is knackered and needs to be fixed or replaced.
15. I'm sorry to say that your computer's hard drive is completely knackered.
16. I was so knackered after the long flight that I fell asleep as soon as I got to my hotel room.
17. The antique clock is knackered and not worth repairing.
18. The toothbrush is completely knackered and needs to be thrown away.
19. After his car crash, he suffered from several knackered ribs.
20. The shoes are so knackered they're not even suitable for walking the dog anymore.
21. The stairs were so steep that I was completely knackered by the time I reached the top.
22. The old sofa is knackered and needs to be replaced before guests arrive.
23. Unfortunately, the washing machine is completely knackered and needs to be replaced.
24. The knacker disposed of the dead horse in a nearby field.
25. The light bulb is knackered and needs to be replaced urgently.
26. My bike tire is completely knackered and needs to be fixed before I can ride it again.
27. The old record player is knackered and not worth repairing.
28. The food was so spicy it completely knackered my taste buds.
29. I'm afraid we'll have to cancel our plans tonight, I'm feeling too knackered to go out.
30. I accidentally knackered the vase when I knocked it over.

Common Phases

1. He looks absolutely knackered;
2. I need to take a break, I'm knackered;
3. That workout knackered me;
4. I can't believe how knackered I feel;
5. After a long day at work, I'm completely knackered;
6. I tried to finish the project, but I'm too knackered to continue;
7. The hike up the mountain was tough, and I'm totally knackered now.

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