Knight example sentences

Related (5): armor, sword, jousting, shield, chivalry

"Knight" Example Sentences

1. The knight went on a quest to rescue the princess.
2. He donned his armor and mounted his horse before setting out.
3. The knight faced many challenges and dangers along the way.
4. Dragons, witches, and other evil creatures tried to stop him.
5. After fighting many battles, the knight finally reached the castle.
6. He slew the evil dragon guarding the princess's tower.
7. The knight climbed the tower and rescued the fair maiden.
8. The princess was overjoyed to be free from the tower at last.
9. The knight and princess fell in love during the journey home.
10. At the castle, the knight was knighted by the king for his bravery.
11. The new knight took an oath of chivalry and honor.
12. He swore to protect the weak, help the poor, and never lie.
13. The knight fought valiantly in tournaments to prove his skill.
14. He won renown for his acts of heroism and valor.
15. The young squires dreamed of becoming knights one day.
16. The trumpet sounded, signaling the start of the joust.
17. The knights charged at each other with lances leveled.
18. Many knights were unhorsed but few were truly defeated.
19. The White Knight faced off against the Black Knight.
20. The knights fought long and hard but neither could best the other.
21. The young prince trained hard with his knight to prepare for battle.
22. The king knighted his most loyal and trusted knights.
23. Medieval castles were full of knights and their squires.
24. Tournaments were held for knights to show off their skill and honor.
25. Knights served their liege lords faithfully and without question.
26. Sword fighting was an essential skill for all knights.
27. Knights were expected to be gallant, generous, and honorable.
28. Female knights, or dames, existed but were very rare.
29. Armored horses were a necessity for all battle-ready knights.
30. Knights spent years training before they could go on a quest.
31. The legendary King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.
32. Knights of the realm defended the kingdom from invaders.
33. Knighthood was a privileged status above that of commoners.
34. Knights followed a code of chivalry that valued virtue and courtesy.
35. Knights wore distinctive heraldic symbols on their shields and armor.
36. Knights good and evil populate the stories of King Arthur.
37. Round tables ensured knights sat as equals in King Arthur's court.
38. Legends of noble knights live on in stories for children.
39. The word "knight" derives from an Old English word meaning "boy."
40. Knights often carried banners displaying their family coats of arms.
41. Full knighthood came after years of training and proving valor.
42. Knights and their horses wore heavy armor into battle.
43. Knights protected damsels and served as role models of chivalry.
44. Squires learned combat and etiquette by serving a knight.
45. Some knights took religious vows as members of orders.
46. Knights and their code shaped the ideals of medieval Europe.
47. Knights fought with weapons like swords, lances, maces and axes.
48. Damsels in distress featured prominently in tales of knightly valor.
49. Errant knights roamed the land searching for worthy quests.
50. Famous knights include Lancelot, Galahad, and Sir Gawain.
51. Knights were expected to uphold the ideals of chivalry at all times.
52. Knights relied on their warhorses for transport and advantage in battle.
53. Tales of Round Table knights spread the values of chivalry across Europe.
54. Lady knights broke barriers by proving worthy of knighthood.
55. Mounted charges were a signature move of knights in battle.
56. Knighthood developed as a class of professional warriors.
57. Knights gained renown by accomplishing deeds of derring-do.
58. Jousting tournaments tested knights' skills in simulated combat.
59. Knightly quests revolved around themes of honor, duty and sacrifice.
60. Stories of virtuous knights have inspired generations.

Common Phases

Knight in shining armor - Used to describe someone who rescues or helps others, particularly women.
• White Knight - A chivalrous, nobly-motivated rescuer or defender.
• Black Knight - An antagonistic knight, sometimes villainous.
Knight errant - A wandering knight seeking adventures and opportunities to help others.
• Damsel in distress - A woman needing to be rescued by a knight.
• Chivalry - The ideals of knighthood including bravery, honor and courtesy to women.
• Code of chivalry - The set of values by which knights were expected to live.
• Tournaments were held for knights to joust - Knights competed in mock combat competitions to demonstrate skill, courage and honor.
• Slay the dragon - Overcoming a formidable challenge or obstacle, referencing a knight's quest.
• Don his armor - To prepare for challenge or danger, dressing in armor like a knight.
Knighted - Formally honoring someone by making them a knight.
• Quest - An adventurous undertaking, often referenced in stories of knights.
• Prove his mettle - Demonstrate one's worth, courage or skill, like a knight.
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