Kobolds example sentences

Related (9): goblins, sprites, brownies, fairies, dwarves, Im-kind, elves, leprechauns, trolls.

"Kobolds" Example Sentences

1. Kobolds are small, mischievous creatures.
2. The old tales told of kobolds lurking in the dark mines.
3. The kobolds were known for their excellent craftsmanship.
4. The adventurers were wary of running into a kobold ambush.
5. The kobold's eyes gleamed in the dim torchlight.
6. The kobold king was a fierce opponent in battle.
7. The miners often left out offerings to appease the kobolds.
8. The kobold shaman chanted in a language none of the adventurers could understand.
9. The kobolds scurried away at the first sign of danger.
10. The kobold's sword glinted menacingly in the dim light.
11. The dragon laughed as the kobolds brought her tribute.
12. The kobold servants scurried to obey their master's every command.
13. The adventurers had to crawl through a narrow tunnel to reach the kobold lair.
14. The kobold warrens were a maze of twisting tunnels and hidden chambers.
15. The kobolds were expert trap-makers, and the adventurers had to be careful not to trigger any deadly devices.
16. The kobold miners were constantly searching for new veins of gold and silver.
17. The adventurers found themselves outnumbered by the kobold warriors.
18. The kobold queen was infamous for her cruelty and cunning.
19. The kobold chieftain demanded tribute from all who passed through his territory.
20. The adventurers stumbled into a kobold nest, and had to fight for their lives.
21. The kobolds were surprisingly organized, with a strict hierarchy and chain of command.
22. The adventurers had to use all their wits to outsmart the kobold traps and ambushes.
23. The kobold sorceress cackled as she unleashed a barrage of magical spells.
24. The adventurers were surprised to find that the kobold language was remarkably complex and nuanced.
25. The kobold leaders were gathered in council to discuss their next move against the intruders.
26. The adventurers had underestimated the cunning of the kobold thieves.
27. The kobold warren was teeming with life, as the creatures went about their daily routines.
28. The adventurers felt a chill run down their spines as they heard the high-pitched laughter of the kobolds.
29. The kobold shamans were said to be able to summon powerful elemental spirits to do their bidding.
30. The adventurers returned to town, battered and bruised from their encounter with the kobolds.

Common Phases

1. The kobolds lurked in the shadows, waiting for their next victim.
2. The adventurers stumbled upon a horde of angry kobolds protecting their treasure.
3. Kobolds are known for their mischievous nature and love of pranks.
4. The village was terrorized by a group of kobolds that had made their home in the nearby caves.
5. The kobolds were easily provoked and would attack anyone who crossed their path.
6. Legends say that the kobolds were created by a powerful sorcerer as minions to do his bidding.
7. Kobolds are skilled miners and are often found digging deep into the earth for precious gems and metals.
8. It's important to be cautious when venturing into kobold territory, as they are known to set traps and ambush unsuspecting travelers.
9. The kobolds were small but fierce, armed with razor-sharp claws and teeth.
10. Despite their reputation as troublemakers, some kobolds are willing to make peaceful alliances with other creatures.

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