Kurgans example sentences

"Kurgans" Example Sentences

1. The nomads built large kurgans as burial mounds for their leaders.
2. Archaeologists discovered many interesting artifacts while excavating the ancient kurgans.
3. The kurgans in the steppes of Eastern Europe hold secrets dating back thousands of years.
4. The Scythians built elaborate kurgans decorated with intricate carvings and painted plaster.
5. The kurgans built by Scythian kings were massive burial mounds containing lavish treasures.
6. The kurgans of the Steppes provide insight into the lost cultures of the nomads that roamed the region.
7. Russian archaeologists have spent decades exploring and excavating vast kurgans in the region.
8. Kurgans dot the landscape as far as the eye can see across the flat plains of the Steppes.
9. Horses and chariots were often buried alongside the elite leaders interred within the kurgans.
10. Scholars study the artifacts found in the kurgans to learn about the religious beliefs of ancient Steppe cultures.
11. I vividly remember stepping past the stone lions and entering the dark passages within the kurgans for the first time.
12. The elaborate gold jewelry and intricately decorated weapons uncovered in the kurgans dazzled our eyes.
13. After the monuments were robbed by tomb raiders centuries ago, many of the kurgans were merely grassy mounds dotting the landscape.
14. Many of the ancient kurgans had withstood the centuries, still towering over the surrounding flatlands.
15. We climbed to the tops of the imposing kurgans, imagining the ancient rituals performed atop those grassy heights millennia ago.
16. Excavations of the Scythian kurgans revealed stunning examples of ancient art, from sculpted gold figures to intricately painted pottery.
17. The great kurgans built by the Scythian kings rivaled the size of the Egyptian pyramids, though made of packed earth rather than stone.
18. After picketing the outer stone ring of the kurgans, archaeologists carefully tunneled into the central burial chambers.
19. Though time had erased all traces of rituals from atop the kurgans, the treasures buried within told stories of a fascinating nomadic culture.
20. The gold artifacts recovered from the kurgans shone as though newly crafted, their stunning workmanship defying the passage of thousands of years.
21. The scale of the burial mounds known as kurgans testified to the wealth and power of the nomadic Scythian kings.
22. Kurgans still rise above the otherwise flat landscape of the Kazakh steppes, a testament to the cultural heights achieved by the nomads who built them.
23. The nomadic tribes of the steppes carefully constructed the kurgans to withstand the elements and preserve the treasures buried within for eternity.
24. Ornate gold crowns, elaborate musical instruments, and stunning golden animals emerged from the kurgans, preserved by the airtight tomb chambers.
25. The kurgans were astronomically aligned to encode celestial beliefs about rebirth and the afterlife into their very construction.
26. The rings of standing stones that surrounded some of the grander kurgans attested to the astronomical knowledge of their architects.
27. For ancient nomads, the kurgans served not only as tombs but also as symbols of tribal identity and cultural heritage.
28. The steppes are dotted with empty kurgans that seem to speak of ancient grandeur and faded glory.
29. Though tomb raiders long ago plundered them, the remaining kurgans still hint at the wealth and sophistication of the ancient people who built them.
30. The seemingly endless kurgans stretching to the horizon forever shaped my perception of the scope and scale of nomadic cultures across the steppes.
31. Studying and preserving the kurgans tells only part of the story of steppe nomadism; the migrations, herds and rituals can only be imagined.
32. The pervasive kurgans built by steppe nomads reveal a cultural obsession with death, immortality and the afterlife.
33. After our long hike across the steppes, the sight of the ancient kurgans rising from the grasslands filled me with wonder and curiosity.
34. I still remember my first glimpse of a cluster of kurgans, their earthen shapes at once ancient yet timeless against the vast sweep of the grassy steppe.
35. Though careful excavations revealed much about steppe cultures from their kurgans, much remains unknown about the daily lives of the ancient nomads.
36. The ornate metalwork recovered from the kurgans stands as some of the finest examples of ancient goldsmithing and bronzeworking.
37. Pastoral nomads built the kurgans not as expressions of power over land but as symbols of spiritual connection to the vast steppe.
38. Careful excavations of the kurgans over decades have pieced together a fascinating portrait of complex nomadic societies on the steppes.
39. Steppe cultures valued their deceased leaders, adorning their kurgans with beautiful artwork that has survived to the present day.
40. Though emptied of treasure, the grassy kurgans still rise above the surrounding steppe, monuments to ancient cultures long vanished but not forgotten.
41. The kurgans built by steppe cultures reveal artistic and technological sophistication that flourished in the vast, untamed grasslands.
42. The tales of long-vanquished tribes who built the steppe kurgans still capture my imagination after all these years.
43. I still recall the awe I felt first glimpsing the massive scale of the ancient steppe kurgans, rising above the horizon like silent sentinels.
44. The scale and construction of the elaborate kurgans attests to the wealth, power and artistic skills of the ancient steppe cultures.
45. Excavating the kurgans has rewritten histories of nomadic peoples, revealing steppe cultures far more complex than previously thought.
46. Decades after the first excavations of steppe kurgans, new discoveries still emerge that illuminate life on the ancient grasslands.
47. Archaeologists carefully date the artifacts from individual kurgans to piece together how steppe cultures changed over millennia.
48. Studying features like the alignment and construction of kurgans has helped scholars understand the cosmologies of ancient nomads.
49. The kurgans stand as the most enduring remnants of the complex nomadic cultures that once roamed the steppes for thousands of years.
50. Kurgans built by successive waves of nomadic cultures reveal the continuity of steppe traditions over the millennia.
51. Though emptied of treasure, the massive kurgans still arouse wonder at the labor and resources steppe cultures devoted to their dead leaders.
52. The spectacular artwork recovered from kurgans reveal ancient nomads as sophisticated patrons and producers of beautiful objects.
53. Stories of ancient warriors buried in kurgans still capture the imagination long after their tribes vanished into history.
54. Though often robbed, the kurgans still tell a story through their scale, construction and astronomical alignments.
55. The well-preserved artifacts emerging from kurgans provide an unprecedented glimpse into the material cultures of ancient nomads.
56. Kazakhs today take pride in their cultural heritage as descendants of the nomadic tribes who built the enigmatic steppe kurgans.
57. The empty kurgans towering above the steppe still inspire wonder at the artistic achievements and technological prowess of ancient nomads.
58. Kurgans speak not just of power and wealth but also of the cultural and spiritual priorities of steppe people for thousands of years.
59. Excavating and preserving the kurgans serves as an act of cultural remembrance for the descendants of ancient nomadic tribes today.
60. The scale of the kurgans attests to the sheer labor involved in their construction, a testament to the cultural importance steppe leaders placed on elaborate tombs.

Common Phases

1. Dotted with kurgans
The steppe is dotted with ancient kurgans.
2. Rising above the landscape/steppe
The kurgans rise above the flat steppe landscape.
3. A testament to/of
The kurgans are a testament to the wealth and power of the ancient people who built them.
4. Speaking of ancient grandeur
The empty kurgans seem to speak of ancient grandeur.
5. Hint at/of
Though plundered, the kurgans still hint at the sophistication of the ancient cultures.
6. Reveal insight into
The kurgans reveal insight into the cosmologies and beliefs of ancient nomadic cultures.
7. Provide a glimpse into
The artifacts from the kurgans provide an unprecedented glimpse into the material cultures of nomads.
8. Attest to
The scale of the kurgans attests to the labor and resources invested in them.
9. Stand as remnants of
The kurgans stand as the most enduring remnants of ancient nomadic cultures.
10. Tell a story through
Though robbed, the kurgans still tell a story through their scale and construction.
11. Serve as symbols of
The kurgans served as symbols of tribal identity and cultural heritage.
12. Shed light on
Excavating the kurgans has shed light on the complexity of ancient nomadic societies.
13. An act of remembrance
Preserving the kurgans serves as an act of cultural remembrance.
14. Arouse wonder at
The massive kurgans still arouse wonder at the labor and resources involved in their construction.
15. Capture the imagination
Stories of ancient warriors buried in kurgans still capture the imagination.

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