Laches example sentences

Related (5): negligence, delay, inaction, dormancy, procrastination

"Laches" Example Sentences

1. The judge dismissed the case citing laches.
2. Laches prevented him from claiming the inheritance after so many years.
3. Her laches in responding to the complaint resulted in a default judgment against her.
4. The defendant argued that the plaintiff's laches should bar the suit.
5. The doctrine of laches is an equitable defense based on unreasonable delay in asserting a claim.
6. Laches applies when a party's unreasonable delay in bringing a claim causes prejudice to the opposing party.
7. His laches in pursuing the contract claim precluded any recovery.
8. The court found that the patent holder's many years of laches barred the infringement suit.
9. The statute of limitations had run, but the court also held that the plaintiff's laches precluded relief.
10. Her laches in not pursuing the claim sooner worked to her detriment.
11. The legal concept of laches is based on fairness and equity.
12. Laches essentially means sleeping on one's rights.
13. The defendant asserted laches as a defense to the breach of contract claim.
14. Laches is an equitable principle that bars a claim due to unreasonable delay.
15. Laches often applies when a party's delay causes evidence to become stale or memories to fade.
16. Equity does not favor those guilty of laches.
17. Laches requires proof of both unreasonable delay and prejudice.
18. The plaintiff's laches cost him any chance at recovering on the debt.
19. The court found that the plaintiff's delay amounted to inexcusable laches.
20. Laches seeks to promote justice by preventing surprises through inexcusable delays.
21. Her laches in immediately notifying the company prevented a successful insurance claim.
22. Laches is rooted in the maxim that equity aids the vigilant, not those who slumber on their rights.
23. The company raised laches as a defense to her late filing.
24. The contractor claimed laches due to the homeowner's delay in bringing the breach of contract claim.
25. The defendant successfully argued that the plaintiff's laches precluded any equitable relief.
26. His laches in responding to the legal notice resulted in adverse action against him.
27. The key elements of a laches defense are unreasonable delay and prejudice.
28. Laches refers to negligent and excessive delay in enforcing a right or claim.
29. The court held that the plaintiff's laches deprived the claim of any merit.
30. Her unjustified laches worked to her detriment.
31. Without reasonable justification, his laches extinguished any right to the property.
32. The legal doctrine of laches embodies the maxim that equity aids the vigilant, not those who slumber on their rights.
33. The laches exhibited in delaying the suit for so long barred relief.
34. Laches applies when a delay negatively affects the defendant's ability to defend against the claim.
35. The defendant asserted laches as a defense due to the plaintiff's delay in filing suit.
36. Laches punishes those who sleep on their rights to the detriment of others.
37. His laches in asserting his rights resulted in their forfeiture.
38. The laches exhibited by waiting years to bring the claim extinguished it entirely.
39. The defendant argued that the plaintiff's unreasonable delay amounted to inexcusable laches.
40. Due to the plaintiff's inexcusable laches, the claim was barred.
41. The company's laches in pursuing the debt collection precluded recovery.
42. Laches requires a showing of both unreasonable delay and prejudice resulting from that delay.
43. The laches demonstrated in waiting years to file suit barred any recovery.
44. Her laches amounted to an abandonment of her legal rights.
45. Due to the laches exhibited in the delay, the court dismissed the petition.
46. The defendant asserted laches as a bar to suit because several years had passed.
47. The court ruled that the plaintiff's two-year delay amounted to laches that barred relief on the claim.
48. Laches is a defense based on unreasonable and prejudicial delay.
49. The court considered his laches in petitioning for the license renewal as supporting denial of the petition.
50. Her laches meant she forfeited her right to enforce the contract.
51. The defendant asserted laches as an affirmative defense in response to the complaint.
52. The plaintiff's laches barred any recovery on the promissory note.
53. The legal concept of laches seeks to promote justice by preventing prejudice from unreasonable delay.
54. The defendant successfully argued that the plaintiff's delay amounted to inexcusable laches.
55. The contractor cited laches as a defense due to the homeowner's two-year delay in bringing the claim.
56. His laches in asserting his rights caused him to lose any claim to the property.
57. Laches punishes unreasonable delay that works to the detriment of another party.
58. The argument that the claim should be barred due to laches was ultimately unsuccessful.
59. Laches holds that equity aids the vigilant, not those who slumber on their rights.
60. The plaintiff's laches resulted in forfeiture of any rights under the contract.

Common Phases

1. The court ruled that the plaintiff's long delay in filing suit constituted laches.
2. The laches of the claimant resulted in the loss of valuable evidence.
3. His laches in not taking action sooner cost him the contract.
4. The court dismissed the lawsuit claiming the applicant's laches in pursuing his rights.
5. The defense of laches was asserted to bar the plaintiff's request for an injunction.
6. Laches on the attorney's part caused his client's case to be dismissed.
7. His laches caused irreparable harm to the business.
8. The court rejected the argument of laches finding no undue delay by the plaintiff.
9. Her laches in pursuing her claim resulted in loss of key witnesses.
10. The defendant sought to stop the lawsuit arguing the plaintiff's laches.
11. The court admonished the attorney for his laches that caused unnecessary delays.
12. The defendant argued the plaintiff's laches should prevent injunctive relief.
13. The administrator's laches resulted in the loss of key documents supporting the claim.
14. The laches in filing for bankruptcy protection led to the loss of key assets.
15. The length of his laches showed his lack of diligence in pursuing the claim.
16. She claimed the defendant's laches prevented the lawsuit from moving forward.
17. The plaintiff's laches prejudiced the defendant's ability to defend against the allegations.
18. Their laches meant they missed critical deadlines and lost opportunities.
19. Due to their laches, the court limited the remedies they could seek.
20. The plaintiff's lengthy laches damaged the credibility of their claims.
21. The judge admonished her for laches and warned of future sanctions.
22. His laches resulted in spoilage of important evidence needed for the claim.
23. Due to the plaintiff's extensive laches, the court dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice.
24. The defendant argued that the plaintiff's laches should estop them from seeking relief now.
25. The administrator's long period of laches extinguished his claim to the inheritance.
26. The consequence of her laches was that key witnesses were no longer available.
27. The plaintiff pled laches to bar the defendant's counterclaim.
28. The creditor's laches forfeited her claim on the debtor's estate.
29. Laches on the part of the claimant caused expiration of the warranty.
30. The administrator's laches resulted in loss of ownership rights.
31. Her laches forfeited her interest in the property.
32. The judge sanctioned the lawyer for his repeated laches.
33. Laches prejudices the opposing party and should be avoided.
34. Laches means negligent or unreasonable delay in asserting one's legal rights.
35. The lawyer apologized to the court for his laches and promised to do better.
36. The plaintiff did not succeed in pleading laches as a defense.
37. Due to her laches, she forfeited any right to compensation.
38. His lengthy laches extinguished any equitable remedies he could seek.
39. Her laches threatened her ability to prove her case.
40. His laches extinguished his remedies under the law.
41. The judge warned the lawyer that further instances of laches would not be tolerated.
42. The defendant argued that laches kept the plaintiff from seeking relief in equity.
43. The defendant's laches prejudiced the administration of justice.
44. The judge reminded counsel that promptness and diligence avoid laches.
45. Despite the plaintiff's laches, the court still granted relief on humanitarian grounds.
46. Laches results when a plaintiff sleeps on his rights.
47. The court warned against laches to ensure the orderly administration of justice.
48. He claimed the administrator's laches resulted in loss of valuable property.
49. Due to her laches, she forfeited any claim to compensation or relief.
50. The judge ruled the defendant estopped by plaintiff's laches from asserting certain defenses.
51. The plaintiff's delay and laches weakened his case.
52. Lengthy laches often leads to spoilage of key documents and testimonies.
53. The doctrine of laches prevents prejudice from inexcusable delay.
54. His laches dimmed the credibility of his claim.
55. The defendant successfully argued that the plaintiff's laches should preclude equitable relief.
56. The judge cautioned both sides against laches and delay tactics.
57. The lawyer was embarrassed by his laches and vowed not to repeat his mistakes.
58. The plaintiff's laches led the court to limit her remedies.
59. His laches meant he missed critical deadlines and opportunities.
60. The administrator's laches resulted in loss of title to the property.

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