Lackey example sentences

Related (10): Follower, subordinate, assistant, minion, underling, henchman, servant, flunky, stooge, sycophant.

"Lackey" Example Sentences

1. The rich man treated his servants like lackeys.
2. The king's advisor acted as the monarch's lackey.
3. The nobleman had many lackeys to carry out his orders.
4. The thug had several lackeys who did his dirty work.
5. The dictator's lackeys spied on the populace for him.
6. The lackeys ran to do their master's bidding.
7. The politician surrounded himself with lackeys who only told him what he wanted to hear.
8. The lackeys bowed and scraped to try and gain favor with their lord.
9. The CEO's lackeys arranged presentations and meetings for him.
10. The butler and footman were lackeys who served the duchess.
11. It was beneath him to do such menial tasks himself, so he ordered one of his lackeys to do it.
12. The powerful businessman treated his underlings like lackeys.
13. The noblewoman could not bear the sight of her lackeys groveling at her feet.
14. The politician's lackeys spread propaganda and misinformation for him.
15. He had little respect for his lackeys, seeing them as mere servants.
16. The prince had several lackeys waiting on him hand and foot.
17. The lackeys hurried to please their lady, fearful of incurring her wrath.
18. The greedy tycoon saw his lowliest workers as lackeys and peasants.
19. The senator's lackeys passed out political favors in exchange for votes and donations.
20. The cult leader had loyal lackeys who followed his every command.
21. His father's lackeys had followed and spied on him for years.
22. The minor noble had a large cadre of liveried lackeys attending to his every whim.
23. She refuses to be treated like a lackey.
24. The dethroned king saw all his people as lackeys after losing his crown.
25. His highness was accustomed to having lackeys cater to his every desire.
26. He promoted people based on how good of lackeys they would be.
27. The lackeys carried out the businessman's dirty dealings for him.
28. The general's lackeys ensured that no one dared disobey his orders.
29. The spoiled heiress bossed her lackeys around mercilessly.
30. The monarch took little notice of his lackeys, seeing them as beneath him.
31. The lackeys toiled day and night to keep the estate running smoothly.
32. The greasy lackeys hovered around the celebrities hoping for attention.
33. The detective despised those who used people as lackeys to do their dirty work.
34. The general treated his soldiers more like lackeys than loyal troops.
35. The dictator relied on his lackeys to spread his propaganda and crush dissent.
36. She wanted no part in being anyone's lackey.
37. The religious leader's lackeys enforced his strict moral code.
38. The fearsome thug avoided doing his own dirty work, instead using his lackeys.
39. The lackeys awaited their master's every command.
40. The spoiled prince was accustomed to being waited on by his many lackeys.
41. The con artist had lackeys spread lies for him to scam more victims.
42. She refused to be treated as a nameless lackey.
43. The lackeys scurried about preparing for the nobleman's arrival.
44. The billionaire's lackeys rushed to cater to his every whim.
45. The self-important bureaucrat saw those below him as nothing more than lackeys.
46. His merciless lackeys carried out his cruel orders without question.
47. The pompous professor treated his graduate students like lackeys.
48. The lackeys made sure the CEO wanted for nothing.
49. The politician's dirty tricks were carried out by his well-paid lackeys.
50. The rich man's loyal lackeys obeyed his every command.
51. The dictator saw even his closest generals and advisors as mere lackeys.
52. He refused to be treated or regarded as a lackey.
53. The wealthy businessman relied on his lackeys to close his deals for him.
54. The headmaster's lackeys enforced his strict rules.
55. The mafia don's lackeys spread fear and intimidation wherever he sent them.
56. The corporate executive saw his staff mainly as replaceable lackeys.
57. His minions scrabbled at his feet like lackeys hoping for scraps.
58. She hated the officious lackeys who tried to order her about.
59. The rich woman's lackeys catered to her every whim.
60. The monarch liked surrounding himself with fawning lackeys.

Common Phases

1. The king's lackey ran to fetch his coach.
2. He was merely the dictator's lackey, following orders.
3. Stop being the school bully's lackey and stand up for yourself.
4. The prince's lackeys guarded the castle gates.
5. The politician's lackeys did his every bidding without question.
6. Don't be that businessman's lackey, demand a fair wage for your work.
7. The nobleman's lackey bowed low before him.
8. His lackeys lined up outside his office waiting for new tasks.
9. The minister's lackey handed him his coat and hat.
10. The political advisor's lackey fetched him a cup of coffee.
11. The queen's lackey ushered the guests into the throne room.
12. The butler was more like the noble's lackey than a respected servant.
13. The count's lackey cleaned his shoes every morning.
14. The feudal lord's lackeys worked long hours with little pay.
15. The prince's lackey held the reins of his horse while he mounted.
16. The duchess's lackey brought her tea on a silver tray.
17. The rich man's lackeys opened the doors of his limousine.
18. The lackey carried the commander's bag as they walked the camp.
19. The governor's lackey ran political errands in his stead.
20. The lord's lackey stabled his horse after a long journey.
21. The rich woman's lackey carried her purchases out to the car.
22. The adviser's lackey took notes during the meeting.
23. The emperor's lackey followed closely behind him.
24. The vain woman treated her assistant like a lackey.
25. The countess's lackey curtsied low as she passed.
26. The king's lackeys shadowed his every move.
27. The mayor's lackey did all his most menial tasks.
28. The heiress's lackey opened the door of her limousine.
29. Don't let him treat you like a lackey, you deserve respect.
30. The prince's lackey unpacked his bags upon arrival.
31. The lord's lackey brought his hunting dogs to the stables.
32. The duke's lackey prepared his bath and laid out his clothes.
33. The baroness's lackey brought her perfume and jewels.
34. The tycoon's lackey drove his Rolls Royce.
35. The billionaire's lackey fetched champagne for his guests.
36. The professor's lackey graded all of his exams and papers.
37. The aristocrat's lackey polished his loafers each evening.
38. The lackey followed at a respectful distance behind his master.
39. The magnate's lackey tailored his every whim and desire.
40. The emir's lackey washed his luxury cars.
41. The general's lackey prepared his tea just the way he liked it.
42. The dictator's lackeys murdered his political enemies.
43. Stop treating your assistants like lackeys and show some respect.
44. The noblewoman's lackey waited outside the ladies room.
45. The landlord's lackey evicted late-paying tenants.
46. The warden's lackey passed out food to the prisoners.
47. Their chief lackey did the dirty work for them.
48. Her lackeys pandered to her every wish and fad.
49. The royal lackey wore a bright livery indicating his station.
50. Don't be my lackey, let's be equals in this relationship.
51. The businessman's lackey bought him expensive gifts.
52. The officer's lackey shined his medals and boots.
53. The director's lackey carried his briefcase and papers.
54. The socialite's lackey walked her spoiled poodle.
55. The lackey led the procession carrying his master's scepter.
56. The priest's lackey lit the candles and said the responses.
57. The lady's lackey purchased tickets to the show.
58. The senator's lackey passed gifts to favors seekers.
59. The king's lackey carried his golden ceremonial robe.
60. The leader's lackeys spread propaganda to further his agenda.

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