Land example sentences

Related (10): earth, terrain, soil, ground, country, acreage, property, plot, territory, landscape

"Land" Example Sentences

1. They landed the plane safely on the runway.
2. The astronauts landed on the moon.
3. She landed the fishing pole in the water.
4. The hikers landed in the middle of the forest.
5. The strike landed perfectly in the center of the batter's box.
6. The boat landed on shore after the long voyage.
7. The settlers landed on the shores of the new world.
8. The balloon landed gently in a field.
9. He landed a job as an accountant.
10. The fish landed on the creek bank.
11. The birds landed in the trees.
12. We landed in Rome after a long flight.
13. The shuttle launched from earth and landed on Mars.
14. Our plane finally landed after circling the airport for two hours.
15. They landed the rover safely on the surface of Mars.
16. The diver landed feet first into the pool.
17. The helicopter landed in the middle of the field.
18. The rocket landed back on earth after circling the moon.
19. The project landed me a huge promotion.
20. The ball landed out of bounds.
21. The train finally landed at the station after hours of delays.
22. The clue finally landed me on the right track to solving the mystery.
23. The plane carrying relief supplies finally landed at the remote airport.
24. The golf ball landed in the middle of the green.
25. The spaceship finally landed back on earth after years of being lost in space.
26. The bungee jumper landed hard on the ground after the long fall.
27. The airplane landed at the small airport right on schedule.
28. The seeds landed on fertile ground and sprouted quickly.
29. The refugee's boat finally landed on shore after days at sea.
30. The bird landed on the chair next to my desk.
31. The astronauts battled high winds as they landed on the planet's surface.
32. The search party landed on a remote island in the South Pacific.
33. The proposal finally landed me a meeting with the CEO.
34. The stuntman landed hard on the inflatable mat after his motorcycle jump.
35. The ball landed just outside of the goal post.
36. The rocket launch was successful and the satellite landed in orbit.
37. The fleet of Spanish ships finally landed in the New World.
38. The seeds landed on dry, cracked earth and failed to sprout.
39. The sighting of land after months at sea finally landed on their hope of rescue.
40. The fledgling bird struggled to land on the branch.
41. The plane's landing gear failed, causing it to land on its belly.
42. The troop carrier finally landed at the air base after the long journey.
43. The meteorite landed with a loud crash in the farmer's field.
44. The reconnaissance aircraft landed just long enough to refuel.
45. The aquanaut's submersible finally landed on the ocean floor.
46. He landed a major client that would significantly boost revenue.
47. The paratroopers landed behind enemy lines.
48. The diver landed feet first into the deep water.
49. Their ship finally landed at port after months at sea.
50. The athletes landed hard on the mat after completing their routines.
51. The astronauts fought nausea and vomiting as they landed back on earth.
52. The ship landed and unloaded its cargo at the small port.
53. The investment finally landed me a sizable return.
54. The paper airplane landed on the teacher's desk.
55. The jet landed safely despite bad weather conditions.
56. The arrow landed right in the middle of the bullseye.
57. The seeds landed on fertile soil and sprouted quickly.
58. The first European ships finally landed on the shores of North America.
59. The boat finally landed at shore after being lost at sea for weeks.
60. The kick landed perfectly between the goalposts.

Common Phases

1. The plane landed smoothly at the airport.
2. The ship struggled to make land during the storm.
3. We finally landed the big fish after an hour of reeling it in.
4. The astronauts landed safely back on Earth.
5. Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 to land in the New World.
6. The pioneers traveled west in covered wagons to land in a new territory.
7. The land had been in her family for generations.
8. They purchased a plot of land and planned to build a house.
9. The real estate agent showed him a number of properties and land for sale.
10. The explorers were eager to land on a new continent.
11. The invaders landed on the beaches under cover of darkness.
12. The farmer tended to his land and crops all year long.
13. We hope to one day land a job in our dream field.
14. The tax assessment on the land increased significantly this year.
15. Heavy rains flooded the surrounding land.
16. The land was barren and dusty after years without proper irrigation.
17. The pioneers encountered rough and untamed land as they headed west.
18. They wanted to own land of their own where they could raise a family.
19. Wild animals roamed freely across the open land.
20. Much of the farmable land had been ruined by erosion.
21. The parched land desperately needed rain.
22. The land lay fallow for years after it was abandoned.
23. They lost the land when they could no longer make the mortgage payments.
24. He used a metal detector to land on old coins and artifacts in a farmer's field.
25. Heavy machinery cleared away trees to land new construction.
26. Developments were beginning to encroach on open land.
27. Condos and strip malls invaded rural land.
28. The surveyors mapped and divided the open land into parcels.
29. We hiked through lush, green land as we followed the trail.
30. The rolling hills and fields of green land stretched as far as the eye could see.
31. They flew a kite over open land on a windy day.
32. The land was perfect for growing wheat.
33. The landscape of the land was beautiful but harsh.
34. They fled the land during the war seeking refuge elsewhere.
35. Information about the land was sparse and hard to obtain.
36. The new owners planned to develop the land for commercial use.
37. The prime land was purchased by a large corporation.
38. The owner leased the land out to various farmers each year.
39. The spot of land had been theirs for generations.
40. Homesteaders settled the land and made it productive.
41. New roads were being built to provide access to remote land.
42. The tribe had a historical claim to the land.
43. Water erosion was causing land to wash away.
44. The land was sold at auction for a high price.
45. There was a land dispute over the property boundaries.
46. The home was nestled on a private, secluded piece of land.
47. The harsh conditions of the land tested their perseverance.
48. Much of the land remained unexplored and unknown.
49. The land was rich in natural resources.
50. Proper drainage needed to be installed to prevent flooding of the land.
51. They needed land to call their own.
52. The land was good for growing row crops.
53. Properties and land were for sale by owner.
54. The trees obscured their view of the land beyond.
55. Machinery was used to till the land and make it ready for crops.
56. The property offered privacy with acres of secluded land.
57. They marveled at the beauty and fertility of the lush land.
58. The land and its riches beckoned to them.
59. The land sloped down toward the river valley.
60. They admired the vast expanse of open land from the hilltop.

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