Lateraling example sentences

"Lateraling" Example Sentences

1. The football team worked on lateraling the ball during practice.
2. The quarterback made a perfect lateral during the game.
3. The coach was furious when the player failed to execute a proper lateral.
4. The players practiced lateraling the ball back and forth to each other.
5. The team struggled with their lateraling skills during the season.
6. The player's lateral pass was intercepted by the other team.
7. The coach emphasized the importance of properly lateraling the ball to avoid turnovers.
8. The player's lateral move allowed him to gain extra yardage on the field.
9. The team's lack of lateral movement in the game proved to be their downfall.
10. The quarterback's exceptional lateraling skills made him valuable to the team.
11. The team worked on improving their lateral passes during their practice sessions.
12. The player's lateral pass was key to their winning touchdown.
13. The coach reprimanded the player for not making a proper lateral pass.
14. The team's sloppy lateraling led to multiple fumbles during the game.
15. The quarterback's ability to laterally pass the ball allowed him to successfully complete the play.
16. The player was praised for his excellent lateral movement on the field.
17. The team's success depended on their ability to laterally move the ball down the field.
18. The coach was impressed with the player's lateral pass skills during the game.
19. The team's lateraling improved dramatically after their intensive training sessions.
20. The player's lateral pass was perfectly executed, leading to a touchdown.
21. The team's lack of practice with lateraling passes resulted in multiple turnovers.
22. The coach instructed the team to focus on improving their lateral movement during the next practice.
23. The player's lateral pass was spotted by the opposing team's defense and intercepted.
24. The team's lateraling was not enough to secure a win in the game.
25. The coach made sure to emphasize the importance of lateraling properly during halftime.
26. The team's lateraling skills were so impressive that they won the game with ease.
27. The player's lateral pass was a critical component of their successful play.
28. The team's lateraling improved significantly after their coach's feedback.
29. The quarterback's lateral pass led to a game-winning touchdown.
30. The team's lateraling was the key factor in their victory over their rivals.

Common Phases

1. I am interested in lateraling to a different department within the company;
2. She is considering lateraling to a different corporation for career growth;
3. The team is currently discussing lateraling to a different project for better opportunities;
4. He has been lateraling within the organization for several years to gain diverse experience;
5. The company has a policy of encouraging lateraling to different business units for skill development;
6. Lateraling to a different team helped her to broaden her knowledge and network within the industry;
7. They are exploring possibilities of lateraling to a different region for expanding their business;
8. Many employees have successfully lateraled from technical roles to management positions within the company;
9. Lateraling to a different role has helped him to overcome the stagnation in his current position;
10. The HR department is facilitating lateraling opportunities for deserving candidates for talent retention.

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