Lawful example sentences
Related (14): legal, legitimate, permitted, authorized, sanctioned, licit, constitutional, rightful, valid, justifiable, ethical, moral, virtuous, conscientious.
"Lawful" Example Sentences
1. The government acted in a lawful manner.
2. The lawful citizens protested the new laws.
3. He was arrested for unlawful behavior.
4. The court found him not guilty of any lawful wrongdoing.
5. The company's activities were within the bounds of the law.
6. The lawful authority can issue permits for the event.
7. They operated the business in a lawful way.
8. It is lawful to demonstrate peacefully.
9. The protest was peaceful and wholly lawful.
10. The lawful action garnered support from the community.
11. The lawful order of the court must be obeyed.
12. The police can lawfully detain suspects.
13. The lawful heir inherited the estate.
14. The citizens demanded a lawful inquiry into the matter.
15. The lawful means afforded no redress.
16. They acted lawfully according to the statute.
17. She won the case through lawful means.
18. The lawful authorities dispersed the protest.
19. The lawful incumbent held the office.
20. He used lawful force in self-defense.
21. The lawful occupant allowed the inspection.
22. It is lawful to raise your voice in dissent.
23. The judge ruled in a lawful manner.
24. The lawful possession of property cannot be taken unjustly.
25. They came to power through lawful elections.
26. The police possess lawful authority.
27. The lawful owner still holds the deed to the land.
28. The lawmakers acted within the bounds of the constitution.
29. The lawful path afforded him no justice.
30. The protests were largely peaceful and lawful.
31. His actions were deemed lawful and above-board.
32. The contract was negotiated in a lawful manner.
33. The lawful privilege was freely exercised.
34. She lawfully applied for a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
35. The state took lawful steps to control the pandemic.
36. His research followed all lawful protocols.
37. They asserted their lawful freedom of speech.
38. The judge issued a lawful order for his arrest.
39. The lawful search resulted in evidence pertinent to the case.
40. The lawful arrangement gave all parties a fair outcome.
41. The lawful decision was made in full view of the public.
42. The lawful resident obtained a passport without incident.
43. Her lawful marriage entitled her to benefits.
44. The lawful authorities quashed the unlawful activities.
45. The lawful warrant allowed them to search the premises.
46. The lawful action attracted little opposition.
47. The lawful officials announced the voting results.
48. His lawful profits were gained without deception.
49. The lawful strike put pressure on employers.
50. The lawful process afforded him justice.
51. The lawful curfew successfully reduced crime rates.
52. Her lawful complaint led to an investigation.
53. The lawful defender argued his case impressively.
54. The lawful right to vote was freely exercised.
55. The lawful judgment was peacefully accepted.
56. The lawful authority granted the permit.
57. The lawful protest marched down Main Street.
58. The lawful regulation was narrowly tailored.
59. Their lawful counsel advised against incriminating themselves.
60. The lawful claim was decided fairly in open court.
Common Phases
1. Act in a lawful manner.
2. Within the bounds of the law.
3. Lawful authority.
4. Lawful citizen.
5. Lawful force.
6. By lawful means.
7. Lawful heir.
8. Lawful incumbent.
9. Lawful occupant.
10.Lawful owner.
11.Lawful possession.
12.Lawful privilege.
13.Lawful protest.
14.Lawful rights.
15. Lawful search.
16.Lawful steps.
17.Lawful vote.
18. Lawful warrant.
19.Under lawful authority.
20. Within the lawful limits.