Leach example sentences
Related (5): Soil, nutrients, leaching, groundwater, pollution.
"Leach" Example Sentences
1. Chemicals slowly leached from the contaminated soil into the groundwater.
2. Rainwater leached minerals and nutrients from the soil.
3. The treatment process will leach out the contaminants.
4. Acidic conditions leached metals from the ore.
5. Carbon dioxide leaches out of the soil during plant growth.
6. The fertilizers leached down into the subsoil.
7. Over time, minerals and nutrients leach away from organic matter.
8. Leach beds help leach wastewater through soil to filter it naturally.
9. The chemicals leached through the plastic lining into the ground.
10. Toxic compounds gradually leached into the lake.
11. The tank was leaching oil onto the concrete floor.
12. Over the years, soluble salts had leached out of the walls.
13. The tea leaves leach flavor and color from the tea bags into the hot water.
14. Pollutants slowly leached from the old landfill into the aquifer.
15. The soil did little to leach out impurities from the wastewater.
16. The coffee grounds leached their rich flavor into the hot liquid.
17. Acid rain leaches away nutrients that plants need from soil.
18. The lime leached through the hog lot, helping neutralize the mud.
19. Toxic chemicals leached from the old barrels into the garden soil.
20. Nutrients readily leach out of sandy soils during rains.
21. The coffee percolator allows hot water to leach the grounds.
22. The waste leached contaminants into the environment for years.
23. The crushed ore was leached with acid to extract the metals.
24. The detergent formula was designed not to leach out of the clothes.
25. Heavy metals leached from old batteries posed a health hazard.
26. The contaminant continued to leach into the drinking water supply.
27. The waste dump leached noxious fumes into the atmosphere.
28. Tap water gradually leached the lead from old pipes in the building.
29. Leaching salts from the soil proved difficult.
30. The chemicals leached into the groundwater and polluted wells.
31. Rainwater quickly leached nitrogen from the fertilized lawn.
32. Pollutants leached into the marshland and poisoned the wildlife.
33. The acidic soil had little ability to leach metals from the ore.
34. The waste treatment facility aimed to effectively leach out toxins.
35. The pollutant continued to leach into the aquifer for years.
36. The herbicide failed to fully leach from the treated soil.
37. The acid leached the aluminum out of the clay.
38. Minerals slowly leached out of aging rock formations.
39. The vinegar helped leach tannins from the aging oak barrel.
40. The contaminant took decades to leach out of the waste dump.
41. The acid rain quickly leached nutrients from delicate plant life.
42. Toxic chemicals continued to leach from the old barrels for years.
43. The plants relied on rainfall to leach nutrients from the soil.
44. The treatment system aimed to leach out heavy metals from the soil.
45. The fertilizer readily leached from the potted plants.
46. Acid leaching helped extract metals from the ore.
47. The limestone rock slowly leached calcium into the soil.
48. Pollutants leached into rivers and lakes for decades.
49. The tailings pile gradually leached toxins into the groundwater.
50. The metals leached into surrounding ponds and streams.
51. The metal salts continued to leach from old plaster walls.
52. Fertilizers readily leached from the sandy soil.
53. The tea leaves leach tannins into the boiling water.
54. The tannery waste leached chemicals into the river for years.
55. The acids leached trace metals from the ore for analysis.
56. Rainwater quickly leached nitrates from the fertilized fields.
57. The solvent failed to fully leach impurities from the ore.
58. Chemicals slowly leached from old containers buried in the landfill.
59. Sulphuric acid leached copper from the ore.
60. Pollutants continued to leach into groundwater for decades.
Common Phases
1. Lime should be applied to soils suffering from nutrient leaching.
2. Acid rain leaches nutrients from the soil.
3. Prolonged exposure to water leaches the color from dyes and fabrics.
4. Rainwater leached through the soil, carrying minerals and nutrients with it.
5. Brine was applied to the mash to leach out the alcohol.
6. The salt had leached out of the wood over time.
7. They added acid to leach the metals out of the ore.
8. The fertilizer leached into the groundwater.
9. Effluent from the landfill continues to leach into the lake.
10. Chemicals leached from discarded batteries contaminated the ground.
11. Nitrates leached from fertilizers polluted the aquifer.
12. They boiled water and used it to leach the tannins from the beans.
13. The acid mine drainage leached heavy metals into the river.
14. The nutrients leached from compost into the soil.
15. Solutions were percolated through the soil to leach contaminants.
16. Rainwater leached chlorides from the asphalt into the surrounding soil.
17. Nutrients leach from fallen leaves into the surrounding soil.
18. Potassium and phosphorus can leach from soil into groundwater.
19. The pesticides quickly leached through the porous soil.
20. The coffee grounds were boiled to leach out their oils and flavors.
21. Fabric dyes can leach into wash water and contaminate it.
22. Chemicals leached from waste dumps threaten groundwater supplies.
23. Farm runoff leaches nitrogen and phosphorus into streams and lakes.
24. The mineral ions leached out of the rock when it rained.
25. Water saturated the peat, leaching nutrients into the surrounding soil.
26. Cyanide leached from abandoned gold mining sites polluted waterways.
27. We leached the excess salt from the soil with extra water.
28. Minerals and chemicals leach into groundwater from waste disposal sites.
29. The heavy metal ions quickly leached into the groundwater.
30. Water is percolated through waste to leach out hazardous chemicals.
31. Solvents are used to leach contaminants out of soil.
32. Nutrients leached from the compost helped established plants grow stronger.
33. Acidic soil leaches aluminum, iron and other metals that stress roots.
34. The chemicals used to preserve the wood had leached out over the years.
35. Efforts were made to leach contaminants from the polluted soil.
36. Toxic chemicals can leach from landfills into groundwater.
37. The dyes leached from the fabric when it was washed.
38. Crushed limestone was added to leach acidic compounds from the soil.
39. Material coming into contact with rainwater will inevitably leach substances.
40. Heavy rains leached nutrients from the field and into the nearby pond.
41. During composting, nutrients leach from the organic matter into the soil.
42. Chemicals leached from fertilizers and contaminated water supplies.
43. Water was injected into the land to leach dissolved nutrients.
44. Chemical preservatives leached from the painted wood over time.
45. Nutrients leach from organic debris and enrich the soil.
46. Pesticides leach into groundwater and contaminate drinking water sources.
47. Runoff leaches minerals and nutrients from the soil.
48. Detergents and chemicals can leach from landfills into groundwater.
49. Nutrients leached from rotting vegetation nourish plants nearby.
50. Overwatering causes fertilizers to leach from garden soil.
51. Antiseptics can leach chemicals that are harmful when ingested.
52. Mining chemicals have leached into groundwater reservoirs.
53. Leach fields allow contaminants to leach into groundwater.
54. Water soluble chemicals inevitably leach through soil into the water table.
55. Acid rain leaches aluminum ions from soil that damage plant roots.
56. Chemicals leach from plastic packaging into food and drinks.
57. Rainwater leached dyes and colors from the faded flags.
58. The manufacturer had to recall the product after chemicals were found to leach out.
59. Landfill leachate often contains heavy metals and toxic organic chemicals.
60. Improper disposal methods allow toxic chemicals to leach into the surrounding environment.