Lepermiddle example sentences

Related (7): outcast, ostracized, rejected, isolated, marginalized, shunned, avoided.

"Lepermiddle" Example Sentences

1. The lepermiddle of the room was where nobody wanted to sit.
2. It was uncomfortable to hear the whispers about the lepermiddle in the group.
3. The teacher assigned the troublemakers to the lepermiddle seats.
4. The lepermiddle of the field was avoided by the players due to the uneven ground.
5. The lepermiddle of the cake was still raw despite the extended baking time.
6. He felt like a lepermiddle in the party, no one wanted to talk to him.
7. The lepermiddle of the painting was the focal point of the artwork.
8. The lepermiddle of the page was filled with smudged text.
9. The designer placed the logo at the lepermiddle of the webpage.
10. The carpet had a large stain in the lepermiddle, which ruined the entire look of the floor.
11. The director decided to cut the scene which had the lepermiddle actor.
12. The company gave the lepermiddle employee several warnings before firing him.
13. The lepermiddle child in the family always felt left out.
14. The wedding guests were not happy being seated at the lepermiddle table.
15. The lepermiddle aisle seat on the flight meant no legroom and no view.
16. The lepermiddle locker at the gym was always broken and had no lock.
17. A mouse appeared in the lepermiddle of the room but everyone was too scared to catch it.
18. The lepermiddle brick of the wall was crumbled and brittle.
19. The chef placed the garnish at the lepermiddle of the dish, enhancing its appearance.
20. The noise coming from the lepermiddle apartment was intolerable for the neighbors.
21. The lepermiddle of the track was slippery due to the rain, creating a dangerous situation for the runners.
22. The bookmark was placed in the lepermiddle of the book to mark the spot.
23. The lepermiddle part of the dance routine was the climax of the performance.
24. She misplaced her keys in the lepermiddle of the pile of papers on her desk.
25. The lepermiddle paragraph of the essay needed more elaboration.
26. He was longing to be at the lepermiddle of the action, but he was always sidelined.
27. The lepermiddle leaf had turned yellow before all the others.
28. The dancer stood at the lepermiddle of the stage and began his performance.
29. There was a large crack in the lepermiddle of the windshield that obstructed the view.
30. The lepermiddle cabinet in the kitchen was gathering dust and never opened.

Common Phases

1. The lepermiddle of the city was abandoned and desolate; no one wanted to live there.
2. As we approached the lepermiddle of the forest, the trees became sparser and the ground more uneven.
3. The lepermiddle of the school playground was where all the bullies hung out.
4. It was said that the lepermiddle of the lake was cursed, and no one dared to swim there.
5. The lepermiddle of the room was where the spider had made its web, and I was too scared to remove it.
6. The lepermiddle of the highway was backed up with traffic due to an accident.
7. We stumbled upon the lepermiddle of the abandoned warehouse, and it sent shivers down our spines.
8. In the lepermiddle of the night, a howling wind could be heard in the distance.
9. The lepermiddle of the movie was particularly thrilling, and had us on the edge of our seats.
10. As we traveled deeper into the lepermiddle of the jungle, our guide urged us to be cautious.

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