Lesionverb example sentences

Related (3): lesioning, lesioned, lesioner

"Lesionverb" Example Sentences

1. He lesioned his arm while playing basketball.
2. The lesioning of the skin was caused by a burn.
3. The doctor lesioned the area around the wound.
4. The lesioning of the tissue was done to prevent infection.
5. The lesioning process was completed without any complications.
6. She was surprised by the amount of lesioning that was done.
7. Lesioning the area around the wound helped to reduce the pain.
8. The lesioning of the skin was done to help the healing process.
9. The doctor was careful to not cause too much lesioning.
10. The lesioning of the tissue was done to reduce the swelling.
11. The lesioning of the skin was done to prevent further damage.
12. The lesioning of the area was done to remove any infection.
13. He was concerned about the amount of lesioning that was done.
14. The lesioning of the skin was done to prevent any further infection.
15. The lesioning of the area was done to help the healing process.
16. The lesioning process was done with the utmost care and precision.
17. The lesioning of the area was done to reduce the risk of infection.
18. She was relieved that the lesioning process was completed without any problems.
19. The lesioning of the skin was done to help reduce the swelling and inflammation.
20. The lesioning of the area was done to help reduce the risk of infection.
21. The lesioning of the skin was done to help the healing process and reduce the pain.
22. The lesioning of the tissue was done to help reduce the swelling and inflammation.
23. The lesioning of the area was done to help reduce the risk of further infection.
24. He was relieved that the lesioning process was done without any complications.
25. The lesioning of the area was done to reduce the risk of further infection and swelling.
26. The lesioning of the area was done to help reduce the pain and help the healing process.
27. She was pleased with the results of the lesioning process, which was done without any complications.
28. The lesioning process was done with great care and precision to ensure that no further damage was done.
29. The lesioning of the area was done to help reduce the risk of infection and help the healing process.
30. The lesioning of the area was done to reduce the risk of further infection and help the healing process.
31. The lesioning of the area was done to reduce the swelling and help the healing process.
32. He was pleased with the results of the lesioning process, which was done without any complications.
33. The lesioning of the area was done to reduce the risk of infection and reduce the swelling.
34. The lesioning of the skin was done to help reduce the risk of infection and help the healing process.
35. The lesioning of the area was done to reduce the swelling and reduce the risk of infection.
36. She was relieved that the lesioning process was completed without any complications or further damage.
37. The lesioning of the area was done to help reduce the pain and reduce the risk of infection.
38. The lesioning of the tissue was done to reduce the risk of infection and help the healing process.
39. He was pleased with the results of the lesioning process, which was done with great care and precision.
40. The lesioning of the area was done to reduce the swelling and inflammation and help the healing process.

Common Phases

lesioning; lesioned; lesion

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