Likeliness example sentences

Related (10): probability, chance, possibility, plausibility, odds, potential, feasibility, prospect, expectation, likelihood

"Likeliness" Example Sentences

1. There is a likeliness that we will win the game.
2. The likeliness of rain increases as the day progresses.
3. I am intrigued by the likeliness between the two paintings.
4. He has a striking likeliness to his father.
5. The likeliness of him getting the job is high.
6. The likeliness of it snowing tonight is minimal.
7. There is a strong likeliness that she will be successful in her career.
8. The likeliness of a tornado hitting this area is slim.
9. The artist's portrait bears a remarkable likeliness to the subject.
10. The likeliness of finding a parking spot this time of day is low.
11. There is a high likeliness that they will adopt the new policy.
12. The likeliness of a recession is concerning to many economists.
13. The likeliness of him cheating on his partner is high.
14. The software has a high likeliness of crashing during intensive use.
15. The likeliness of catching a fish in this lake is low.
16. The two books share a likeliness in plot and character development.
17. The likeliness of him making a full recovery is uncertain.
18. The actor's likeliness to a historical figure was uncanny.
19. The likeliness of her winning the competition is slim.
20. There is a likeliness that we will experience some turbulence during the flight.
21. The likeliness of the company going bankrupt is concerning to investors.
22. The statue had a remarkable likeliness to the person it was modeled after.
23. The likeliness of discovering a new planet is exciting to astronomers.
24. There is a strong likeliness that we will experience a heat wave this summer.
25. The likeliness of getting struck by lightning is rare but not impossible.
26. The two people had a likeliness in their sense of humor.
27. The likeliness of finding a job during a recession is low.
28. There is a high likeliness that the project will be completed within the timeframe.
29. The painting had a strong likeliness to the natural landscape.
30. The likeliness of meeting someone famous at this event is low.

Common Phases

1. There is a likeliness that I will attend the party.
2. The likeliness of us winning the game is high.
3. Her likeliness to succeed in her career is undeniable.
4. I don't see any likeliness of us reaching a compromise.
5. The pandemic has decreased the likeliness of traveling abroad.
6. The likeliness of finding a cure for the disease is uncertain.
7. His likeliness to take risks often leads to great rewards.
8. The likeliness of rain today is low.
9. There is a likeliness that she will be promoted soon.
10. The likeliness of the project being completed on time is slim.

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