Liquidity example sentences

Related (8): solvency, creditworthiness, marketability, convertibility, agility, flexibility, accessibility, availability.

"Liquidity" Example Sentences

1. The bank ensured adequate liquidity in the market.
2. The fund manager struggled to maintain liquidity during the financial crisis.
3. The company drew down its credit lines to boost short-term liquidity.
4. The bank offered a loan to improve the company's liquidity position.
5. The fund invested in short-term government bonds to maintain high liquidity.
6. The startup faced challenges maintaining enough liquidity to cover expenses.
7. The central bank injected massive liquidity into the financial system.
8. The company issued short-term commercial paper to increase liquidity.
9. Liquidity issues forced the company to lay off employees.
10. Asset sales improved the firm's liquidity.
11. Liquidity was tight in the banking sector.
12. The investor demanded weekly liquidity from the fund.
13. The portfolio manager kept a high proportion of liquid assets.
14. The asset manager focused on liquidity, safety, and yield.
15. Investors were concerned about the fund's liquidity risk.
16. The market dried up, removing much of the liquidity.
17. Cash reserves help provide liquidity in times of crisis.
18. Cash is the most liquid asset.
19. Their large cash position gave the company ample liquidity.
20. The crisis spurred unprecedented measures to boost system-wide liquidity.
21. The entrepreneur struggled to obtain enough liquidity to keep the business running.
22. Daily liquidity demands strained the company's cash reserves.
23. Reduced liquidity led to higher borrowing costs.
24. Demand for liquidity spiked during the pandemic.
25. Liquidity enables companies to ride out short-term disruptions.
26. Liquidity enables assets to be bought and sold quickly.
27. Liquidity dry-ups in financial markets are a sign of trouble.
28. Government initiatives aimed to ensure adequate liquidity for consumers and businesses.
29. Low system-wide liquidity rattled global financial markets.
30. Liquidity is essential to business continuity.
31. The central bank worked to restore market liquidity and confidence.
32. Investors' liquidity needs dictate fund cash flow policies.
33. Reduced liquidity impedes businesses from meeting operating expenses and loan obligations.
34. Poor cash management led to liquidity issues for the company.
35. Liquid assets are those that can be quickly turned into cash.
36. Liquidity ratios measure a company's ability to meet short-term obligations.
37. Liquidity hedge funds focus on short-term liquidity and capital preservation.
38. The health of liquidity market signals potential shocks in the broader economy.
39. Short-term financial instruments offer the highest liquidity.
40. Liquidity constraints forced the bank to limit new loans.
41. Liquidity risk is the risk of loss arising from an inability to easily unwind market positions.
42. The market downturn dried up liquidity, making some financial products illiquid.
43. Liquidity risk management seeks to ensure ample cash resources.
44. Liquidity ratios gauge the health of a business's short-term financial position.
45. Low liquidity makes it difficult for firms to meet operating costs.
46. The expansion caused cash flow and liquidity issues for the business.
47. Reduced liquidity constrained the company's ability to fund growth initiatives.
48. Liquidity management seeks to balance cash needs with returns on investments.
49. Liquidity injections provided relief during the crisis.
50. The startup struggled to obtain enough liquidity to survive its first year of operation.
51. Stocks are generally more liquid than real estate investments.
52. Liquidity affects a company's ability to pay debts and fund day-to-day operations.
53. Money market funds aim to provide maximum liquidity and low risk.
54. Liquidity is essential for businesses to meet short-term obligations.
55. The company faced liquidity challenges due to high debt servicing costs.
56. Liquidity issues forced the startup to shut down prematurely.
57. Liquidity pools provide immediate access to cash reserves during crises.
58. The investment focused on preserving capital and providing liquidity.
59. Reduced system-wide liquididity led to credit contractions and economic turmoil.
60. Liquidity enables companies to weather financial storms.

Common Phases

1. Liquidity crunch- a severe shortage of liquidity that makes it difficult for businesses and individuals to meet financial obligations.
2. Liquidity crisis- a situation where there is a severe shortage of liquidity in the financial system, causing difficulties in selling assets quickly and meeting short-term obligations.
3. Liquidity squeeze- a situation where there is a shortage of liquidity, especially for financial institutions, making it hard to meet short-term obligations.
4. Liquidity risk- the risk that a company will be unable to meet short-term financial obligations due to insufficient liquid assets.
5. Liquidity trap- a situation where interest rates approach zero and monetary policy becomes ineffective at stimulating the economy because investors are unwilling to invest their money.
6. Liquidity premium- the excess return an investor demands for holding a less liquid asset instead of a more liquid one.
7. Liquidity provider- a financial institution that trades securities to provide liquidity to the market and facilitate transaction between buyers and sellers.
8. Liquidity ratio - a ratio that measures a company's ability to meet its short-term obligations by comparing its most liquid assets with its current liabilities.
9. Liquidity indicator - a metric that provides insight into the availability and cost of short-term funds in the financial system.
10. Liquidity pool - a supply of cash or highly liquid assets held by financial institutions to meet short-term obligations and prevent liquidity issues.

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